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DictionarySeelamellaconcentric lamella
lamella [lah-mel´ah] (L.) 1. a thin scale or plate, as of bone.2. a medicated disk or wafer to be inserted under the eyelid. adj., adj lamel´lar.circumferential lamella one of the bony plates that underlie the periosteum and endosteum.concentric lamella haversian lamella.endosteal lamella one of the bony plates lying beneath the endosteum.ground lamella interstitial lamella.haversian lamella one of the concentric bony plates surrounding a haversian canal.intermediate lamella (interstitial lamella) one of the bony plates that fill in between the haversian systems.con·cen·tric la·mel·laone of the concentric tubular layers of bone surrounding the central canal in an osteon. Synonym(s): haversian lamellacon·cen·tric la·mel·la (kŏn-sen'trik lă-mel'ă) One of the concentric tubular layers of bone surrounding the central canal in an osteon. Synonym(s): haversian lamella. Havers, Clopton, English anatomist, 1650-1702. Havers glands - collections of adipose tissue in the hip, knee, and other joints, covered by synovial membrane. Synonym(s): synovial glandshaversian canals - vascular canals that run longitudinally in the center of haversian systems of compact osseous tissue. Synonym(s): Leeuwenhoek canalshaversian lamella - one of the concentric tubular layers of bone surrounding the central canal in an osteon. Synonym(s): concentric lamellahaversian spaces - spaces in bone formed by the enlargement of haversian canals.haversian system - a central canal containing capillaries and the concentric osseous lamellae around it occurring in compact bone. Synonym(s): osteon |