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DictionarySeecavitycavity of septum pellucidum
cavity [kav´ĭ-te] 1. a hollow or space, or a potential space, within the body or one of its organs; called also caverna and cavum.2. the lesion produced by dental caries. Cavities in the body. From Applegate, 2000.abdominal cavity the cavity of the body between the diaphragm above and the pelvis below, containing the abdominal organs.absorption c's cavities in developing compact bone due to osteoclastic erosion, usually occurring in the areas laid down first.amniotic cavity the closed sac between the embryo and the amnion, containing the amniotic fluid.cranial cavity the space enclosed by the bones of the cranium.glenoid cavity a depression in the lateral angle of the scapula for articulation with the humerus.marrow cavity (medullary cavity) the cavity that contains marrow" >bone marrow in the diaphysis of a long bone; called also medullary canal.nasal cavity the proximal portion of the passages of the respiratory system, extending from the nares to the pharynx; it is divided into left and right halves by the nasal septum and is separated from the oral cavity by the hard palate.oral cavity the cavity of the mouth, bounded by the jaw bones and associated structures (muscles and mucosa).pelvic cavity the space within the walls of the pelvis.pericardial cavity the potential space between the epicardium and the parietal layer of the serous pericardium.peritoneal cavity the potential space between the parietal and the visceral peritoneum.pleural cavity the potential space between the two layers of pleura.pulp cavity the pulp-filled central chamber in the crown of a tooth.cavity of septum pellucidum the median cleft between the two laminae of the septum pellucidum. Called also pseudocele, pseudocoele, and fifth ventricle.serous cavity a coelomic cavity, like that enclosed by the pericardium, peritoneum, or pleura, not communicating with the outside of the body and lined with a serous membrane, i.e., one which secretes a serous fluid.tension cavity cavities of the lung in which the air pressure is greater than that of the atmosphere.thoracic cavity the portion of the ventral body cavity situated between the neck and the diaphragm; it contains the pleural cavity.tympanic cavity the major portion of the middle ear, consisting of a narrow air-filled cavity in the temporal bone that contains the auditory ossicles and communicates with the mastoid air cells and the mastoid antrum by means of the aditus and the nasopharynx by means of the auditory tube. The middle ear and the tympanic cavity were formerly regarded as being synonymous.uterine cavity the flattened space within the uterus communicating proximally on either side with the fallopian tubes and below with the vagina.cav·i·ty of sep·tum pel·lu·ci·duma slitlike, fluid-filled space of variable width between the left and right transparent septa, which occurs in fewer than 10% of human brains and may communicate with the third ventricle. Synonym(s): cavum septum pellucidum [TA], Duncan ventricle, fifth ventricle, pseudocele, pseudoventricle, sylvian ventricle, ventricle of Sylvius, ventriculus quintus, Vieussens ventricle, Wenzel ventriclecav·i·ty of sep·tum pel·lu·ci·dum (kav'i-tē sep'tŭm pe-lū'si-dŭm) A slitlike, fluid-filled space of variable width between the left and right transparent septum, which occurs in fewer than 10% of human brains and may communicate with the third ventricle. Duncan, James M., Scottish gynecologist, 1826-1890. Duncan curetteDuncan endometrial biopsy curetteDuncan endometrial curetteDuncan fold - the folds on the peritoneal surface of the uterus immediately after delivery.Duncan mechanism - passage of the placenta from the uterus with the rough side foremost.Duncan positionDuncan ventricle - a slitlike, fluid-filled space of variable width between the left and right transparent septum, which may communicate with the third ventricle. Synonym(s): cavity of septum pellucidum
Sylvius, Franciscus, Dutch physician, 1614-1672. aqueduct of Sylviusfossa of Sylviussylvian anglesylvian fissure - Synonym(s): lateral cerebral sulcussylvian linesylvian pointsylvian valve - Synonym(s): valve of inferior vena cavasylvian ventricle - Synonym(s): cavity of septum pellucidumvallecula sylvii
Vieussens, Raymond de, French anatomist, 1641-1715. valve of Vieussens - a prominent valve in the great cardiac vein where it turns around the obtuse margin to become the coronary sinus.Vieussens annulus - Synonym(s): Vieussens ringVieussens ansa - Synonym(s): Vieussens loopVieussens centrum - the great mass of white matter composing the interior of the cerebral hemisphere. Synonym(s): centrum semiovaleVieussens foramina - a number of fossae in the wall of the right atrium, containing the openings of minute intramural veins. Synonym(s): foramina of the venae minimaeVieussens ganglia - the largest and highest group of prevertebral sympathetic ganglia, located on the superior part of the abdominal aorta, on either side of the origin of the celiac artery. Synonym(s): celiac gangliaVieussens isthmus - Synonym(s): Vieussens ringVieussens limbus - Synonym(s): Vieussens ringVieussens loop - a nerve cord connecting the middle cervical and stellate sympathetic ganglia, forming a loop around the subclavian artery. Synonym(s): ansa subclavia; Vieussens ansaVieussens ring - a muscular ring surrounding the fossa ovalis in the wall of the right atrium of the heart. Synonym(s): limbus fossae ovalis; Vieussens annulus; Vieussens isthmus; Vieussens limbusVieussens valve - the thin layer of white matter stretching between the two superior cerebellar peduncles forming the roof of the superior recess of the fourth ventricle. Synonym(s): superior medullary velumVieussens veins - the small superficial veins of the heart. Synonym(s): innominate cardiac veinsVieussens ventricle - a slitlike, fluid-filled space of variable width between the left and right transparent septum. Synonym(s): cavity of septum pellucidum
Wenzel, Joseph, German anatomist and physiologist, 1768-1808. Wenzel ventricle - a slitlike, fluid-filled space of variable width between the left and right transparent septum. Synonym(s): cavity of septum pellucidum |