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DictionarySeecavumcavum mediastinale
ca·vum me·di·a·sti·na·'lean inappropriate name sometimes applied to the mediastinum.cavum (ka'vum) [L. cavus, a hollow] A cavity or space.cavum abdominisAbdominal cavity.cavum conchaeThe inferior portion of the cavity of the auricle of the ear. It leads to the external acoustic meatus. cavum mediastinaleMediastinum.cavum medullareThe medullary cavity of a long bone. cavum orisOral cavity.cavum pelvisPelvic cavity.cavum septi pellucidiThe cavity of the septum pellucidum of the brain. cavum trigeminaleThe space between the two layers of the dura mater of the brain in which the trigeminal ganglion is located. Synonym: Meckel's spacecavum tympaniThe cavity of the middle ear.cavum uteriThe cavity of the uterus. |