

单词 feed off
释义 DictionarySeefeed

feed off

feed off (of) (someone or something)

1. Literally, to use someone or something as a source of sustenance. The kittens still need to feed off of their mother for a few more days.2. By extension, to use something to one's advantage. These insurance companies are just trying to make money by feeding off our anxieties.See also: feed, off

feed off (of) something

to eat something in particular customarily. (Of is usually retained before pronouns.) This creature feeds off fallen fruit. Mosquitoes seem to want to feed off of me!See also: feed, off

feed off

v. To be nourished, sustained, or fueled by something: The microbes feed off the decaying seaweed. The politicians are feeding off of the public's fear.See also: feed, off

feed off

feed off

[¦fēd ′ȯf] (engineering) To lower the bit continuously or intermittently during a drilling operation by disengaging the drum brake.




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