Acronym | Definition |
AOF➣Account Opening Form |
AOF➣Art of Fighting (SNK video game) |
AOF➣Articles of Faith (band) |
AOF➣Acorn Object Format |
AOF➣Application Object File |
AOF➣Afrique Occidentale Française (French) |
AOF➣Alexisonfire (band) |
AOF➣Academy Of Finance (New York State Department of Education) |
AOF➣Advanced Opportunity Fellowship (various organizations) |
AOF➣American Osteopathic Foundation |
AOF➣An Old Friend |
AOF➣American Optometric Foundation |
AOF➣Absolute Open Flow (Gas Well Deliverability Testing) |
AOF➣Academy of Fellows (various organizations) |
AOF➣Ancient Order of Foresters |
AOF➣Arbeidernes Opplysningsforbund |
AOF➣Azimuth of Fire (US DoD) |
AOF➣Avon Old Farms (Avon, CT school) |
AOF➣Australian Oilseeds Federation |
AOF➣Angels of Fire (gaming clan) |
AOF➣Area of Focus |
AOF➣Army of Freshmen (band) |
AOF➣Acorn Object Format (data storage) |
AOF➣Association des Optométristes de France |
AOF➣Atheists and Other Freethinkers (Sacramento, CA) |
AOF➣American Outboard Federation |
AOF➣Angry Old Farts (gaming community) |
AOF➣Axis of Fun |
AOF➣Airfield Operations Flight |
AOF➣Arsenal of Freedom |
AOF➣Age of Fire (game) |
AOF➣Akha Outreach Foundation (Thailand) |
AOF➣Accounts On File |
AOF➣Africa on Fire |
AOF➣America's Opportunity Fund (Seattle, WA) |
AOF➣Aggregate Objective Function (algorithm) |
AOF➣Alliance of Freedom (gaming clan) |
AOF➣Address on File |
AOF➣Anodic Oxide Film |
AOF➣Aviation Ordnanceman Fire Control (US Navy rank) |
AOF➣Acolytes of Fayth (gaming group) |
AOF➣Activity, Objects, and Features |
AOF➣Atheists of Florida, Inc. |
AOF➣Association of Forty (Israel) |
AOF➣Air Outlet Filter |
AOF➣Affidavit of Forgery |