concerted practice
concerted practice
a situation defined by European Union and UK competition law as one where rival firms, without engaging in formal COLLUSION (See ANTI-COMPETITIVE AGREEMENT), nonetheless informally coordinate their behaviour in respect of selling prices and discounts, and engage in market-sharing and joint capacity adjustments.Under the EU's Article 85 of the Treaty of Rome and the UK's COMPETITION ACT, 1998 concerted practices are prohibited outright. See COMPETITION POLICY (EU), COMPETITION POLICY (UK).
concerted practice
a situation defined by European Union and UK competition law as one where rival firms, without engaging in formal COLLUSION (see ANTI-COMPETITIVE AGREEMENT), nonetheless informally coordinate their behaviour in respect of selling prices and discounts, and engage in market-sharing and joint capacity adjustments.Under the EU's Article 85 of the Treaty of Rome and the UK's COMPETITION ACT 1998, concerted practices are prohibited outright. See COMPETITION POLICY (EU), COMPETITION POLICY (UK).