Acronym | Definition |
DSSC➣Dye Sensitized Solar Cell |
DSSC➣Defence Services Staff College (India) |
DSSC➣Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis (disease) |
DSSC➣Data Storage Systems Center |
DSSC➣Département des Sciences de la Santé Communautaire (French: Department of Community Health Sciences; Canada) |
DSSC➣Disabilities Studies and Services Center |
DSSC➣Digital Social Science Center (New York, NY) |
DSSC➣Diplôme Supérieur Spécialisé en Sciences Comptables (French: Advanced Diploma in Specialized Accounting; various locations) |
DSSC➣Digital Signal Source and Capture |
DSSC➣Dependable and Secure Services Computing (workshop) |
DSSC➣Direct Support Stock Control |
DSSC➣Dynamique des Structures et Systèmes Couplés (French: Structural Dynamics and Coupled Systems) |
DSSC➣Dartmoor Slope Soaring Club (UK) |
DSSC➣Deutsches Scooter Sprint Comitee (German scooter club) |
DSSC➣Dashwerks Startup/Shutdown Controller |
DSSC➣Defi Super Sports Cluster |
DSSC➣Doctor of Social Science |
DSSC➣Distributed Services Steering Committee |
DSSC➣Defense Subsistence Supply Center |
DSSC➣Digital Sideband Suppressed Carrier |