Acronym | Definition |
CBA➣Cost Benefit Analysis |
CBA➣Canadian Bar Association |
CBA➣College of Business Administration |
CBA➣Commonwealth Bank of Australia |
CBA➣Collective Bargaining Agreement |
CBA➣Colorado Bar Association |
CBA➣Continental Basketball Association |
CBA➣CMM (Capability Maturity Model)-Based Appraisal |
CBA➣Council for British Archaeology |
CBA➣Christian Brothers Academy (Lincroft, New Jersey) |
CBA➣Connecticut Bar Association |
CBA➣Chicago Bar Association (lllinois) |
CBA➣Centralnego Biura Antykorupcyjnego (Polish: Central Anticorruption Bureau) |
CBA➣Commercial Bank of Africa (Nairobi, Kenya) |
CBA➣Canadian Bankers Association |
CBA➣Consumer Bankers Association |
CBA➣Center for Book Arts |
CBA➣Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (UK) |
CBA➣Chinese Basketball Association |
CBA➣Community Based Approach (various locations) |
CBA➣Commercial Brokers Association |
CBA➣Cell Biology and Anatomy (various universities) |
CBA➣Controlled Before and After (clinical study) |
CBA➣Cell Based Assay (molecular biology) |
CBA➣Community Based Alternatives |
CBA➣Community Benefits Agreement (contract; various locations) |
CBA➣Capacity Building Assistance |
CBA➣Calvary Baptist Academy (various organizations) |
CBA➣Christian Booksellers Association |
CBA➣Christian Brothers' Academy (Albany, NY) |
CBA➣Core Business Application |
CBA➣Computer Based Assessment |
CBA➣Central Bank of Armenia |
CBA➣Card Bus Adapter |
CBA➣Component Based Architecture |
CBA➣Content Based Access |
CBA➣Cell Based Architecture |
CBA➣Competency Based Assessment (medical competency) |
CBA➣Competitive Bidding Area (medical equipment sales) |
CBA➣Community Based Activity (various locations) |
CBA➣Community Bank of Arizona (Community Bancorp) |
CBA➣Columbia Blood Agar |
CBA➣California Board of Accountancy |
CBA➣Canadian Booksellers' Association |
CBA➣Christian Book Awards |
CBA➣Certified Business Appraiser |
CBA➣Curriculum Based Assessment |
CBA➣Certified Balloon Artist (Qualatex Balloon Network; various locations) |
CBA➣Center for Backyard Astrophysics |
CBA➣Confederação Brasileira de Automobilismo (Brazil's National Motor Sports Authority) |
CBA➣Center for Bits and Atoms (MIT) |
CBA➣Capabilities-Based Assessment (US DoD) |
CBA➣California Bankers Association |
CBA➣Community Bankers Association |
CBA➣Cross-Border Acquisition (finance) |
CBA➣Catholic Biblical Association |
CBA➣Collective Bargaining Agent |
CBA➣Community Broadcasters Association |
CBA➣Cobia (FAO fish species code) |
CBA➣Consensus Based Assessment |
CBA➣Congressional Budget Act |
CBA➣Chemical Business Association (UK) |
CBA➣Chattanooga Bar Association (Chattanooga, TN) |
CBA➣Certified Bank Auditor |
CBA➣Copper Azole (wood treatment) |
CBA➣Can't Be Arsed |
CBA➣Cost Benefit Assessment (UK) |
CBA➣Centro Ballena Azul (Spanish: Blue Whale Center) |
CBA➣Cash Balance Account |
CBA➣Critical Business Activities |
CBA➣Chronic Bronchitis and Asthma (illlness) |
CBA➣Child Bearing Age |
CBA➣Cloud Based Analytics (software) |
CBA➣Clearwater Bar Association (Florida) |
CBA➣Cleveland Bar Association (Cleveland, OH) |
CBA➣Cotrugli Business Academy (Croatia) |
CBA➣Centrally Billed Accounts |
CBA➣Citrix Business Alliance |
CBA➣Canadian Biogas Association (energy) |
CBA➣Certified Business Analyst |
CBA➣California Broadcasters Association |
CBA➣Certified Behavior Analyst |
CBA➣Canadian Botanical Association |
CBA➣Concerned Bikers Association |
CBA➣Cyber Baseball Association (fantasy league) |
CBA➣Callbook Address (amateur radio) |
CBA➣Contract Bridge Association (India) |
CBA➣Central Business Area |
CBA➣Capability Based Assessment |
CBA➣Cosmic Brotherhood Association (Japan) |
CBA➣Credit Business Associate |
CBA➣Coffee Break Arcade (gaming site) |
CBA➣Certified Bad Ass |
CBA➣Central Borrowing Authority (Australia) |
CBA➣Chemical Blowing Agent |
CBA➣Computer Business Applications (course) |
CBA➣Canadian Bison Association (Regina, SK. Canada) |
CBA➣Caribbean Bar Association |
CBA➣Canadian Bookkeepers Association (Toronto, ON, Canada) |
CBA➣Création Bois et Agencement (French: Creating Wood and Fittings; est. 1979) |
CBA➣Colorado Bowhunters Association (Conifer, CO) |
CBA➣Choose Black America (Federation for American Immigration Reform) |
CBA➣Culinary Business Academy (Albuquerque, NM) |
CBA➣Chesapeake Bay Agreement |
CBA➣Cheslock, Bakker & Associates (merchant banking firm; Stamford, CT, USA) |
CBA➣Can't Be Asked |
CBA➣Colorado Bandmasters Association |
CBA➣Construction Brevetée d'Alfortville, SA (French: Patented Construction of Alfortville, SA; Alfortville, France) |
CBA➣Agence Cindy Brace (French: Cindy Brace Agency; Paris, France) |
CBA➣Church Benefits Association |
CBA➣Canadian Bus Association |
CBA➣Clarke, Brown Associates Ltd. |
CBA➣Central Beekeepers Alliance |
CBA➣Channel Bank Assembly |
CBA➣Chinese Basketball Alliance |
CBA➣Current Best Approach |
CBA➣Customer Business Analyst (Intel) |
CBA➣Cytometric Beads Array (biochemical) |
CBA➣Christian Basketball Association, Inc. |
CBA➣Call Behavior Analysis |
CBA➣Core Bitmap Animation |
CBA➣Central Bowlers Alliance |
CBA➣Cattlemens' Beef Association |
CBA➣Constraint Based Analysis |
CBA➣Chartered Bank Auditor (Bank Administration Instute, BAI) |
CBA➣Collectif Bled'Art (French band) |
CBA➣Compagnie Bretonne de l'Artichaut (French: Bretonne Artichoke Company) |
CBA➣Coulommiers Brie Athlétisme (French athletic club) |
CBA➣Central Billing Accounts |
CBA➣Cabinet Bernard Attal (business and accounting services; Paris, France) |
CBA➣Central Bank Accounting (IMF) |
CBA➣Change Back Acknowledgement (signal; CCS#7/ITU-T) |
CBA➣C-Band Transponder Antenna |
CBA➣Catholic Business Association |
CBA➣Christian Boaters Association |
CBA➣Congressional Black Associates |
CBA➣Capability Based Analysis |
CBA➣Colorado Beekeepers Association |
CBA➣Canada Bangladesh Association |
CBA➣Clinical Business Area (Health Affairs) |
CBA➣Centre Bounce Attendance (sports statistic) |
CBA➣Comprehensive Bankruptcy Alternative |
CBA➣Carcinome Bronchioloalvéolaire (French: Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma; medical condition) |
CBA➣Control Bus Address |
CBA➣Community Birth Attendant |
CBA➣Commercial Bid Analysis |
CBA➣Chris Beale Agencies Limited (UK) |
CBA➣Crates Before Attack (online gaming rule) |
CBA➣Commercial Billing Accounts |
CBA➣Comptoir Bayeusain de l'Automobile (French auto shop) |
CBA➣Current Buffers Active |
CBA➣Clos Banet Autos (French car sales) |
CBA➣Concerned Bikers Abate |
CBA➣Committee on Border Affairs (Vietnam) |
CBA➣Close Battle Area |
CBA➣Christian Bicyclists Association |
CBA➣Coldwell Banker Acclaim |
CBA➣Composite Burst-Assembly |
CBA➣Communauté Blairienne Autonome (French: Blairienne Autonomous Community; online forum) |
CBA➣Construction Bois d'Aquitaine (French: Wood Construction of Aquitaine; Biscarrosse, France) |
CBA➣Celebrity Best Advice (book series) |
CBA➣Central Business Activity |
CBA➣Camps Basket Association (French basketball club) |
CBA➣Club Belfortain d'Aquariophilie (French: Aquarium Club of Belfort; Belfort, France) |
CBA➣Caldwell Butler and Associates (McKinney, TX) |