

单词 cbc



abbr.1. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation2. complete blood count


abbreviation for (Broadcasting) Canadian Broadcasting Corporation


or C.B.C.,

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Noun1.CBC - counting the number of white and red blood cells and the number of platelets in 1 cubic millimeter of bloodblood profile, complete blood countblood count - the act of estimating the number of red and white corpuscles in a blood sample



(communications) cipher block chaining


(1) (Cell Broadcast Center) See cell broadcast.

(2) (Cipher Block Chaining) In cryptography, a mode of operation that combines the ciphertext of one block with the plaintext of the next block. The problem of repeating ciphertext that results from the electronic code book method is eliminated. See mode of operation, block cipher and CBC-MAC.



 complete blood count.


Abbreviation for complete blood count.


abbr.1. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation2. complete blood count


Complete blood count Lab medicine The automated analysis of certain parameters of the cells in the circulation, as performed by an automated cell counter–eg RBCs, WBCs, platelets, Hb, Hct, mean corpuscular Hct, Hb, RBC volume and WBC differential count, dividing them into lymphocytes, monocytes, granulocytes–neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils. See Platelet count, Red cell count, White cell count.


Abbreviation for complete blood count.

Complete blood count (CBC)

A routine analysis performed on a sample of blood taken from the patient's vein with a needle and vacuum tube. The measurements taken in a CBC include a white blood cell count, a red blood cell count, the red cell distribution width, the hematocrit (ratio of the volume of the red blood cells to the blood volume), and the amount of hemoglobin (the blood protein that carries oxygen). CBCs are a routine blood test used for many medical reasons, not only for AIDS patients. They can help the doctor determine if a patient is in advanced stages of the disease.Mentioned in: AIDS Tests, Heart Transplantation


CBCCanadian Broadcasting Corporation
CBCComplete Blood Count (blood test)
CBCCertified Buyers Consultant (formerly Certified Buyer Representative; National Association of Independent Real Estate Brokers)
CBCChristmas Bird Count
CBCColumbia Basin College (Pasco, WA, USA)
CBCCalifornia Bank of Commerce (Lafeyette, CA)
CBCCipher Block Chaining
CBCCalifornia Building Code
CBCCommonwealth Business Council (UK)
CBCChildren's Book Council
CBCCongressional Black Caucus
CBCCase by Case (various organizations)
CBCCommunity Bible Church
CBCChristian Brothers College (St. Louis)
CBCCounty Borough Council (UK)
CBCCollege of Business and Communication (Japan)
CBCCanon Business Center (various locations)
CBCCatholic Bishop of Chicago (Chicago, IL)
CBCCrossroads Baptist Church (various locations)
CBCConference Board of Canada
CBCCertified Business Consultant
CBCCentral Bible College
CBCCommunity Based Care
CBCCentral Baptist College
CBCCornering Brake Control (automotive)
CBCCalvary Baptist Church
CBCCaribbean Broadcasting Corporation (Barbados)
CBCCascade Bicycle Club
CBCCriminal Background Check
CBCCheltenham Borough Council (UK)
CBCChase Business Credit
CBCCross-Border Co-operation
CBCCanadian Bank of Commerce
CBCCity Building Code (various locations)
CBCCitizens Budget Commission
CBCCenter for Brain and Cognition (University of California, San Diego)
CBCCopyright Board of Canada
CBCCornerstone Bible Church (various locations)
CBCCommunity Business Center (various organizations)
CBCCell Bus Controller
CBCCornering Brake Control
CBCCyclic Binary Code
CBCCall by Call
CBCController Bus Coupler
CBCCertified Business Credential
CBCConjoint Behavioral Consultation
CBCCharnwood Borough Council (UK)
CBCCar Battery Charger
CBCCannabis Buyers' Club (various locations)
CBCCiclo Basico Comun
CBCCentral Bible Church (various locations)
CBCComprehensive Breast Center (health; various locations)
CBCConservazione Beni Culturali (Italian: Arts and Humanities)
CBCCalvary Bible Church
CBCChesterfield Borough Council (UK)
CBCCorby Borough Council (UK)
CBCCovenant Bible Church (various locations)
CBCConstruction Battalion Center (Navy)
CBCComcast Business Communications
CBCCommercial Banking Centre
CBCColegio Brasileiro de Cirurgioes
CBCConservation Biological Control (various organizations)
CBCCentro Bartolome de las Casas (Peru)
CBCCalhoun Beach Club (various locations)
CBCCommunity Based Conservation
CBCConcrete Box Culvert (construction)
CBCClassical Biological Control (agriculture)
CBCConservancy of British Columbia (Canada)
CBCCompanhia Brasileira de Cartuchos (Portuguese: Brazilian Company of Cartridges; Brazil)
CBCCapital Business Centre (UK)
CBCContralateral Breast Cancer
CBCCounterbalancing Capacity (finance)
CBCCoastal Bend College
CBCCustomer Briefing Center
CBCColegio Bilingue en Computacion (Spanish: Bilingual School in Computer Science)
CBCCommon Birds Census (UK)
CBCCell Broadcast Center
CBCCatholic Bishops Conference
CBCCommon Booster Core (missile technology)
CBCCongresso Brasileiro de Cinema
CBCCapital Blue Cross
CBCCentral Buying Consortium (Local Authority buying group; United Kingdom)
CBCCanadian Born Chinese
CBCCan't Be Called
CBCCommittees, Boards and Commissions (various locations)
CBCChildren's Book Committee
CBCCrawford Broadcasting Company (Denver, CO)
CBCConservative Book Club
CBCChina Business Consulting (Czech Republic)
CBCCone Bipolar Cell
CBCCertified Business Communicator (Business Marketing Association)
CBCChinese Baptist Church
CBCCincinnati Business Committee (Cincinnati, OH)
CBCCry Baby Cry (Beatles song)
CBCClub British Columbia (Canada)
CBCCopenhagen Business College (Denmark)
CBCCenter for Biodiversity & Conservation (American Museum of Natural History)
CBCCity of Bath College (UK)
CBCChild Bereavement Charity (UK)
CBCComplete Blood Chemistry (less common)
CBCCompensation and Benefits Committee (various businesses)
CBCCrawley Borough Council (UK)
CBCChildless By Choice
CBCCameroon Baptist Convention
CBCConcerned Black Clergy
CBCCannabis Buyers' Club
CBCChesapeake Bay Commission
CBCCanadian Bible College
CBCConsolidated Biscuit Company (Ohio)
CBCCenter for Black Culture (various locations)
CBCCalifornia Biodiversity Council (formed in 1991 to coordinate natural resource planning in CA)
CBCCompetence-Based Competition (business strategy)
CBCCalifornia Biomass Collaborative (University of California, Davis)
CBCCertified Broadcast Captioner (National Court Reporters Association)
CBCCreative Brand Communications (various locations)
CBCClassroom Building Complex (University of Nevada; Las Vegas, NV)
CBCChina Banking Corporation (Makati City, Philippines)
CBCChambre Belge des Comptables (French: Belgian Chamber of Accountants; Belgium)
CBCCarpet Backing Cloth
CBCChicago Building Congress
CBCConnections beyond the Classroom (various locations)
CBCCannabis Buyers' Cooperative (Oakland, CA)
CBCCoordinated Bargaining Committee
CBCCarapana (SIL code, Colombia)
CBCCollaborative Business Connection (networking)
CBCCommunities Building Community (various locations)
CBCClosed Brayton Cycle
CBCClara Barton Camp (North Oxford, MA)
CBCColegio de Bibliotecarios de Chile (College of Librarians of Chile)
CBCCitizens for Better Care
CBCCommercial Bank-Cameroun (Cameroon)
CBCCampenon Bernard Construction (France)
CBCCoupled Biogeochemical Cycles
CBCClean Beaches Council
CBCCompensation and Benefits Consulting
CBCCentral Bankruptcy Court (Thailand)
CBCChildfree By Choice
CBCConcrete Bridge Conference
CBCChristian Broadcasting Council (UK)
CBCChestnut Brass Company (est. 1977)
CBCCommission des Biens Culturels
CBCComputational Biology Centers
CBCChildren's Bereavement Center
CBCCarp Beneficiary Certificate (Philippines)
CBCCell Biology Course
CBCCapacity Building Cluster (UK)
CBCCanberra Business Council
CBCChicago Book Clinic
CBCConference Business Centre (Russia)
CBCCenter for Bio-Medical Communication, Inc.
CBCCovenant Bible College
CBCConfédération Belge du Cheval (French: Belgian Horse Confederation; Belgium)
CBCCalifornia Brazil Camp
CBCCampaign for A Better City
CBCCircleville Bible College
CBCCains Beer Company (UK)
CBCChinese-Born Canadian
CBCChattanooga Bicycle Club
CBCCertificate in Business Computing
CBCCapital Budget Committee
CBCChemistry and Biological Chemistry (degree program)
CBCCoakley Business Class, LLC (Bloomfield, NJ)
CBCCaribbean Business Club (various organizations)
CBCCycle by Cycle
CBCCentral Bottling Company Ltd. (Israel Coca-Cola distributor)
CBCCross Border Connection
CBCCoupled Bonding Conductor
CBCChalmers Ballong Corps
CBCChugai Boeki Co., Ltd. (various locations)
CBCContinental Bioregional Congress
CBCChico Busca Chica
CBCCivil Budget Committee
CBCCadets of Bergen County (New Jersey)
CBCChinese Bowling Congress
CBCCollege of Business Colleagues
CBCCoffee Break Chess
CBCCalifornia Body Care
CBCComprehensive Business Consultants
CBCCode of Backchannel Conduct
CBCConsortia of Business Coaches
CBCCambridge Buddhist Centre (Cambridge, UK)
CBCCambridge Buddhist Centre (UK)
CBCChequamegon Bird Club (Wisconsin)
CBCCornerstone Biblical Commentary
CBCCapitol Broadcasting Corporation
CBCChesterfield Baseball Club
CBCCystographic Bladder Capacity (urology)
CBCChinese Born in Canada
CBCCall Bearer Control
CBCChalon Basket Club (French basketball club)
CBCCargo Bed Covers
CBCComptoir des Bois et Contreplaqués (French)
CBCColorado Beef Council
CBCCommunion Biblique des Campus (French: University Bible Fellowship; various locations)
CBCConstituency Boundaries Commission (Fiji)
CBCCrew Briefing Center
CBCConvection Boundedness Criterion
CBCConstruction Business Computing
CBCChemnitzer Briefmarken Club
CBCCertified Benefit Consultant
CBCCyber Bulldog Coalition
CBCCorporate Business Council
CBCCommand Bus Company
CBCConvenzione sul Brevetto Comunitario (Italian: Convention for the European Patent for the Common Market)
CBCCalifornia Baton Council
CBCChina Business Chain, Inc.
CBCCrossborder Capital
CBCCoulter Blood Count
CBCCaught By Cat
CBCContinental Board of Counsellors (Institution of the Baha'i Faith)
CBCCirculator Boot Corporation
CBCCircus Balloon Club
CBCChesapeake Bristol Club (Chesapeake Bay)
CBCChipped Bone Collar (Everquest game reference)
CBCCertificate-Based Cryptography
CBCCambresis Boomerang Club
CBCCopies Between Calls (photocopier service record)
CBCCo-Operation Black Country Ltd.
CBCCommunications for Behavioural Change
CBCClare Boat Club (Clare College, Cambridge; University of Cambridge; Cambridge, England, UK)
CBCContiga Broadcasting Corporation (Clermont, FL)
CBCCesare Behavioral Consulting
CBCCombined BMEWS Conference
CBCConfigurable Business Class (Openshop Holding AG)
CBCConnection Bandwidth Control (ATM)
CBCCedar Brewing Company
CBCChanging Behavior through Choice
CBCCarbon County Railway Company
CBCConstitutional Business Consulting, Inc.
CBCComplement Block Coding
CBCCanadian Brew Crew (gaming clan)
CBCCustomizing Business Center
CBCColombes Bridge Club (France)
CBCClara Barton Center for Domestic Preparedness (American Red Cross)
CBCChronic Biliary Cirrhosis
CBCCabinet Behene Consultant (French: Behen Consultant Firm; medical sterilization)
CBCCaribbean Bottling Company Co. Ltd.
CBCCentral Building Clock (telecommunications)
CBCController Basic Checklist
CBCCourt-Bauer Community (Cornell University)
CBCCirculating Bed Combuster
CBCCosmic Bedouin Cartographers, Inc.
CBCCuisine-Buanderie-Collectivités (French: Kitchen-Laundry-Communities; appliance retailer; Frépillon, France)
CBCCosmopolitan Bridge Club (New York, NY)
CBCChislehurst Baptist Church (London, UK)


  • noun

Synonyms for CBC

noun counting the number of white and red blood cells and the number of platelets in 1 cubic millimeter of blood


  • blood profile
  • complete blood count

Related Words

  • blood count




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