Acronym | Definition |
DDL➣Data Definition Language |
DDL➣Direct Download |
DDL➣Disegno di Legge (Italian: Drawing of Law) |
DDL➣Développement Durable de la Lecture (French: Sustainable Development of Reading) |
DDL➣Dynamique du Langage (French: Dynamics of Language) |
DDL➣Drop-Down List (user interface) |
DDL➣Département des Langues (French: Language Department) |
DDL➣Direct Drive Linear (motor) |
DDL➣Daniel Day-Lewis (actor) |
DDL➣Document Description Language |
DDL➣Description Data Language |
DDL➣Digital Driving Level |
DDL➣Dolby Digital Live |
DDL➣Differential Delay Line |
DDL➣Database Design Language |
DDL➣Dungeon Definition Language |
DDL➣Drop Down List |
DDL➣Direct Disc Labeling |
DDL➣Dialog Directory List |
DDL➣Database Definition Language |
DDL➣Data Description Language |
DDL➣Delicious Design League (Chicago, IL) |
DDL➣Donald's Dream Land (Donald Duck) |
DDL➣Device Description Language |
DDL➣Digital Delay Line |
DDL➣Digital Data Link |
DDL➣Danse des Lettres (French animation software) |
DDL➣D Dynamic Libraries (library loading) |
DDL➣Dear Doctor Letter (pharmaceutical marketing) |
DDL➣Delegation Of Disclosure Authority Letter |
DDL➣Debard-David-Le Corvec (French architecture firm) |
DDL➣Direct Downlink |
DDL➣Dispersive Delay Line |
DDL➣Digital Distance Learning |
DDL➣Data Downlink (NASA) |
DDL➣Dimensions Development Library (IBM) |
DDL➣Demolition Derby League |
DDL➣Digital Driver's License |
DDL➣Data Design Language |
DDL➣Data Distribution List |
DDL➣Document Distribution List |
DDL➣Dictionnaire de Didactique des Langues (French: Dictionary of Language Teaching) |
DDL➣Département de Didactique des Langues (French: Department of Language Didactics; University of Quebec at Montreal; Quebec, Canada) |
DDL➣Detector Development Laboratory (NASA) |
DDL➣Dedicated Data Link |
DDL➣Digital Data Library |
DDL➣Document Definition Language |
DDL➣Data Design Laboratory |
DDL➣Design Data Laboratory |
DDL➣Direct Drive Laser Printer |
DDL➣Design Document Listing |
DDL➣Dependable Dealers List (PEZ collectors) |
DDL➣Diplôme de Didactique des Langues (French: Diploma in Language Teaching; various locations) |
DDL➣Diode-Diode Logic |
DDL➣Display Directory List |
DDL➣Detergent and Decontamination Liquid |
DDL➣Direct Down/Data Link |
DDL➣Devices and Diagnostic Letter (aka Orange Sheet; technology journal) |