Acronym | Definition |
CBF➣Cooperative Baptist Fellowship |
CBF➣Cerebral Blood Flow |
CBF➣Chesapeake Bay Foundation |
CBF➣Campus Benjamin Franklin (Germany) |
CBF➣Centraal Bureau Fondsenwerving (Dutch: Central Bureau on Fundraising) |
CBF➣Confederação Brasileira de Futebol |
CBF➣Cherry Blossom Festival (various locations) |
CBF➣Core Binding Factor |
CBF➣Committee on Budget and Finance (various organizations) |
CBF➣Coronary Blood Flow |
CBF➣Coordinated Beamforming (wireless technology) |
CBF➣Chicagoland Bicycle Federation |
CBF➣Community-Based Forestry |
CBF➣cubic feet |
CBF➣Ciliary Beat Frequency (physiology) |
CBF➣Continental Breakfast |
CBF➣Commission Bancaire et Financière (Banque Nationale de Belgique) |
CBF➣Centromere Binding Factor |
CBF➣Canadian Bridge Federation |
CBF➣Club du Bouledogue Français (French: French Bulldog Club; est. 1898) |
CBF➣Clearstream Banking Frankfurt |
CBF➣Campus Bible Fellowship |
CBF➣Coordination des Berbères de France (French: Coordination of Berbers in France; Paris, France) |
CBF➣Commonwealth Bank Foundation (Australia) |
CBF➣Cheaper, Better, Faster |
CBF➣Credit Business Fellow |
CBF➣Custom Business Forms (various locations) |
CBF➣Cable Broadband Forum |
CBF➣Catholic Biblical Federation |
CBF➣Cardboardfish (message boards) |
CBF➣Columbus Bar Foundation (Ohio) |
CBF➣Centre Billings France (French fertility) |
CBF➣Community and Business Forum |
CBF➣China Business Feature (magazine feature) |
CBF➣Capacity Building Funding (various organizations) |
CBF➣Conventional Beamformer |
CBF➣Christophe Barone Formation (French: Christopher Barone Training; boating license center; Lyon, France) |
CBF➣Châtellerault Boxe Française (French: Châtellerault French Boxing; Châtellerault, France) |
CBF➣Connection Based Forwarding |
CBF➣Consortium Bas-Fonds (French: Inland Valley Consortium Fund; Sub-Saharan African ecoregional program) |
CBF➣Club Bugatti France (French car club) |
CBF➣Core Business Functions |
CBF➣Confined Burn Facility |
CBF➣Clear Brine Fluid (oil industry) |
CBF➣Central Bank Facility |
CBF➣Common Budget Framework |
CBF➣Cheap to Keep. Built to Last. Fun to Run (Honda motorcycle series) |
CBF➣Can't Be Fussed (polite form) |
CBF➣Commander, Battle Force |
CBF➣Columbia Business Furniture |
CBF➣Container Booking Forecast |
CBF➣Contained Burn Facility |
CBF➣Compagnons du Bâtiment de France (French: Building Companions in France; Paris, France) |
CBF➣Cuban Baseball Federation |
CBF➣Colbus, Born-Colbus & Fittante (French law firm) |
CBF➣Couldn't Be Funnier |