释义 |
n. | 1. | A growing together; the collection or mass formed by concretion, or natural union.The concrement of a pebble or flint.- Sir M. Hale | EncyclopediaSeeconcretionconcrement
con·cre·ment (kon'krē-ment), A concretion; a deposit of calcareous material in a part. [L. con- cresco, to grow together] An indurated material, generally composed of crystallised minerals, or, less commonly, organic materials—e.g., bile, cholesterolconcrement Stone, see there. concrement (kŏn′krē-mĕnt) [L. concrementum] A concretion as of protein and other substances. If infiltrated with calcium salts, it is termed a calculus. FinancialSeeStone |