auricularis anterior (muscle)

auricularis anterior (muscle)

[TA] facial muscle of external ear; origin, epicranial aponeurosis, insertion, cartilage of auricle; action, draws pinna of ear upward and forward; nerve supply, facial. Considered by some to be the anterior part of the temporoparietalis muscle. Synonym(s): anterior auricular muscle, musculus attrahens aurem, musculus attrahens auriculam, musculus auricularis anterior, zygomaticoauricularis

au·ric·u·la·ris an·te·ri·or (mus·cle)

(aw-rikyū-lāris an-tērē-ŏr mŭsĕl) [TA] Facial muscle of external ear; considered by some to be the anterior part of the temporoparietalis muscle.
Synonym(s): anterior auricular muscle.