Acronym | Definition |
CBH➣Corned Beef Hash (food) |
CBH➣City of Beverly Hills (Beverly Hills, CA) |
CBH➣Cheltenham Borough Homes (UK) |
CBH➣Catalyst Bed Heater |
CBH➣Cellobiohydrolase (enzyme) |
CBH➣Comprehensive Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. (Lyndhurst, NJ) |
CBH➣Community Based Housing (various organizations) |
CBH➣Community Behavioral Healthcare (various locations) |
CBH➣Columbia/Barnard Hillel (New York) |
CBH➣Circumference at Breast Height (forestry) |
CBH➣Comic Book Heroes (band) |
CBH➣Central Baptist Hospital |
CBH➣Compagnie Bancaire Helvétique (French: Swiss Banking Company; Switzerland) |
CBH➣Clyde Babcock-Hitachi (Australia) |
CBH➣Community Breast Health (Susan G. Komen) |
CBH➣Collimated Beam Handpiece (lasers) |
CBH➣Centre Bourguignon de l'Habitat (French: Burgundy Housing Center) |
CBH➣Center for Bioethics and Humanities |
CBH➣Child Bearing Hips |
CBH➣Construction Bois Habitat (French: Wood Habitat Construction; Saint-Omer, France) |
CBH➣Congregation Beth Hatikvah (Jewish synagogue; various locations) |
CBH➣Constructions Bouhier Hubert (French construction company) |
CBH➣Can't Be Heard |
CBH➣Chicken Blood Hemolysates |
CBH➣Concept Bois Habitat (French: Concept Wood Housing) |
CBH➣Centre Breton de l'Habitat (French: Breton Housing Center; Étrelles, France) |
CBH➣Cole Bulk Handling |
CBH➣Cabinet Blanchedan et Hilaire (French consulting firm) |
CBH➣Club Badminton Houppeville (Houppeville, France) |
CBH➣Chicago Board of Health |
CBH➣Club de Badminton Heillecourt (Heillecourt, France) |
CBH➣Construction Bâtiment Habitation (French: Residential Building Construction; various locations) |
CBH➣Coordination Bâtiment & Habitat (French: Housing Construction and Coordination; Brest, France) |