释义 |
de-(word root) not, downExamples of words with the root de-: decompress, descentde-pref.1. Do or make the opposite of; reverse: decriminalize.2. Remove or remove from: delouse; deoxygenate.3. Out of: deplane; defenestration.4. Reduce; degrade: declass.5. Derived from: deverbative. [Middle English de-, from Old French de- (from Latin dē-, from, off, apart, away, down, out, completely, from dē; see de- in Indo-European roots) or from Old French des-, out, off, apart, away, completely (from Latin dis-, dis-, and Latin dē-).]de- prefix forming verbs and verbal derivatives 1. removal of or from something specified: deforest; dethrone. 2. reversal of something: decode; decompose; desegregate. 3. departure from: decamp. [from Latin, from dē (prep) from, away from, out of, etc. In compound words of Latin origin, de- also means away, away from (decease); down (degrade); reversal (detect); removal (defoliate); and is used intensively (devote) and pejoratively (detest)]de- , a prefix, occurring orig. in loanwords from Latin, used to form verbs that denote motion or conveyance down from, away, or off (deflect; descend); reversal or undoing of the effects of an action (deflate); extraction or removal of a thing (decaffeinate); thoroughness or completeness of an action (despoil). [Middle English < Latin dē-, prefixal use of dē (preposition) from, away from, of, out of; in some words, < French < Latin dē- or dis- dis-1] DE 1. Delaware. 2. destroyer escort. D.E. 1. Doctor of Engineering. 2. driver education. EncyclopediaSeedede-enUK
de- word element [L.], down; from; sometimes negative or privative, and often intensive.de- (dē), 1. Away from, cessation, without; sometimes has an intensive force. 2. For names with this prefix not found here, see under the principal part of the name. [L. de, from, away] de- Prefix meaning away from, cessation, without; sometimes has an intensive force. [L. de, from, away]de- prefix denoting from, out or away.LegalSeeDeFinancialSeeDEDE-
Acronym | Definition |
DE-➣Removal of Something (Prefix) |