Economics of the World Socialist System, Institute of
Economics of the World Socialist System, Institute of
(full name, Institute of Economics of the World Socialist System of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR), a scientific institution dedicated to research on economic, political, and ideological issues in the development of world socialism and on the laws that govern the construction of a socialist society, the strengthening of the world socialist system, and the enhancement of the revolutionary influence of the world socialist system on world history. The institute, which was established in Moscow in 1960, had seven departments and 32 sections in 1977.
Research at the institute is devoted to (1) analyzing the general laws and stages in the construction of a new society in the other socialist countries; (2) providing a theoretical generalization of the experience obtained in the development of the world socialist system and a new type of international relations; (3) elucidating theoretical and practical questions pertaining to the development of a world socialist economy and socialist integration; (4) studying the international division of labor; (5) comprehensively analyzing the general and specific features of economic, political, and ideological life in the various socialist countries, conducting a comparative study of the theory and practice of economic construction in the other socialist countries, and assessing prospects for further strengthening the economic ties of such countries with the USSR; (6) analyzing the development in the socialist countries of theoretical thought on the construction of socialism and socialist economic integration; (7) and criticizing bourgeois, reformist, and revisionist ideas on issues relating to the development and mutual relations of the socialist countries.
The institute has a library. Graduate degrees are awarded for study at the institute and for correspondence study. An institute-wide academic council directs organizational and scholarly work. Specialized councils for awarding academic degrees confer the degrees of doctor of sciences and candidate of sciences. There is also a scholarly council for coordinating research on different aspects of the world socialist system.
The institute publishes basic monographs, pamphlets, and collections of scholarly works on problems in the development of the world socialist system as whole and on current problems in the development of individual socialist countries.