Briquet syndrome

Bri·quet dis·ease

(brē-kā'), 1. classic hysteria; a chronic disorder, principally of women, which begins in the teens or early twenties, characterized by a variety of symptoms involving almost every organ system; currently classified as conversion disorder or somatization disorder. 2. functional (hysteric) anesthesia of the skin with resulting inaccuracies in movement (labeled "ataxia"). 3. functional dyspnea and aphonia. Synonym(s): Briquet syndrome

so·mat·o·form dis·or·der

a group of disorders in which physical symptoms suggesting physical disorders for which there are no demonstrable organic findings or known physiologic mechanisms, and for which there is positive evidence, or a strong presumption that the symptoms are linked to psychological factors; for example, hysteria, conversion disorder, hypochondriasis, pain disorder, somatization disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and Briquet syndrome.

Bri·quet syn·drome

(brē-kā' sin'drōm) A chronic but fluctuating mental disorder, usually of young women, characterized by frequent complaints of physical illness involving multiple organ systems simultaneously.

Briquet syndrome

(brĭ-kā′) [Paul Briquet, Fr. physician, 1796–1881] 1. A personality disorder in which alcoholism and somatization disorder occur.2. Somatization disorder. 3. An old term for hysterical personality disorder.


Paul, French physician, 1796-1881. Briquet ataxia - weakening of the muscle sense and increased sensibility of the skin, in hysteria. Synonym(s): hysterical ataxiaBriquet syndrome - a chronic but fluctuating mental disorder, usually of young women, characterized by frequent complaints of physical illness involving multiple organ systems simultaneously.