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EncyclopediaSeesomatoform disorderBriquet syndrome
Bri·quet dis·ease (brē-kā'), 1. classic hysteria; a chronic disorder, principally of women, which begins in the teens or early twenties, characterized by a variety of symptoms involving almost every organ system; currently classified as conversion disorder or somatization disorder. 2. functional (hysteric) anesthesia of the skin with resulting inaccuracies in movement (labeled "ataxia"). 3. functional dyspnea and aphonia. Synonym(s): Briquet syndrome
so·mat·o·form dis·or·dera group of disorders in which physical symptoms suggesting physical disorders for which there are no demonstrable organic findings or known physiologic mechanisms, and for which there is positive evidence, or a strong presumption that the symptoms are linked to psychological factors; for example, hysteria, conversion disorder, hypochondriasis, pain disorder, somatization disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and Briquet syndrome.Bri·quet syn·drome (brē-kā' sin'drōm) A chronic but fluctuating mental disorder, usually of young women, characterized by frequent complaints of physical illness involving multiple organ systems simultaneously. Briquet syndrome (brĭ-kā′) [Paul Briquet, Fr. physician, 1796–1881] 1. A personality disorder in which alcoholism and somatization disorder occur.2. Somatization disorder. 3. An old term for hysterical personality disorder.Briquet, Paul, French physician, 1796-1881. Briquet ataxia - weakening of the muscle sense and increased sensibility of the skin, in hysteria. Synonym(s): hysterical ataxiaBriquet syndrome - a chronic but fluctuating mental disorder, usually of young women, characterized by frequent complaints of physical illness involving multiple organ systems simultaneously. |