

单词 cbp



abbr. Customs and Border Protection



(cell and molecular biology) CREB-binding protein



A gene on chromosome 16p13.3 that encodes a ubiquitously expressed protein involved in the transcriptional coactivation of various transcription factors. CREBBP acts as a scaffold to stabilise additional protein interactions with the transcription complex; it has intrinsic histone acetyltransferase activity, and acetylates both histone and non-histone proteins.
Molecular pathology
CREBBP mutations cause Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RTS); chromosomal translocations of CREBBP are associated with acute myeloid leukaemia.


Abbreviation for community-based practice.


(pros?ta-ti'tis) [? + itis, inflammation] Inflammation of the prostate gland, usually as a result of infection.

acute bacterial prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate, commonly associated with urinary tract infections caused by enterococci, staphylococci, or gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli. It often is caused by reflux of urine resulting from an anatomical abnormality. Patients present with fever, chills, urethral discharge, pain on urination, difficulty voiding, malaise, myalgias, and discomfort in the perineal area; the prostate is soft, swollen, and tender on examination.

The causative organism is identified through a culture of prostatic secretions and is treated with an extended course of antibiotics. Narcotics and antispasmodics may be needed to relieve pain.

chronic abacterial prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate gland, marked by dull, aching pain in the perineum, usually of long duration. Although this is the most common type of chronic prostatitis, its cause is unknown. Synonym: chronic pelvic pain syndrome

chronic bacterial prostatitis

Abbreviation: CBP
Inflammation of the prostate caused by a long-standing bacterial infection that often develops insidiously; causative organisms include gram-negative bacteria and enterococci. Clinically, the patient may have mild to moderate low back pain, pain with urination, and perineal discomfort, or he may be asymptomatic. Patients may have a history of multiple urinary tract infections; bacteria can hide in the prostate, which resists penetration by antibiotics, and reinfect the urinary tract. Causal bacteria are identified by culture of prostatic secretions and urine. Treatment consists of ciprofloxacin or another fluoroquinolone antibiotic for 4 to 6 weeks. The long course is needed because of poor penetration into the prostate.

chronic bacterial prostatitis

Abbreviation: CBP
Inflammation of the prostate caused by a long-standing bacterial infection that often develops insidiously; causative organisms include gram-negative bacteria and enterococci. Clinically, the patient may have mild to moderate low back pain, pain with urination, and perineal discomfort, or he may be asymptomatic. Patients may have a history of multiple urinary tract infections; bacteria can hide in the prostate, which resists penetration by antibiotics, and reinfect the urinary tract. Causal bacteria are identified by culture of prostatic secretions and urine. Treatment consists of ciprofloxacin or another fluoroquinolone antibiotic for 4 to 6 weeks. The long course is needed because of poor penetration into the prostate. See also: prostatitis


CBPCustoms and Border Protection (US government)
CBPCounty Business Patterns (census)
CBPBureau of Customs and Border Protection (US DHS)
CBPUS Customs and Border Protection
CBPCertified Benefits Professional (WorldatWork certification program)
CBPCREB-Binding Protein
CBPCollege Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (Dutch DPA)
CBPCommunity Based Practice (various organizations)
CBPChesapeake Bay Program (state/federal Chesapeake Bay restoration partnership)
CBPCitizens Bank Park (Philadelphia, PA)
CBPCross Border Project (various locations)
CBPChangi Business Park (Changi, Singapore)
CBPCatholic Book Publishing (Totowa, NJ)
CBPCode of Banking Practice (various locations)
CBPConcrete Batch Plant
CBPCar Beauty Pro
CBPCapacity Bidding Program (energy; California)
CBPChiropractic Biophysics
CBPCalifornia Budget Project
CBPCanadian Business Patterns
CBPColdwell Banker Preferred (various locations)
CBPCrippled Black Phoenix (band; UK)
CBPCustomer Backbone Port
CBPCoded Block Pattern
CBPCurrent Best Practices (various companies)
CBPCenter for Business Practices (various organizations)
CBPCollaborative Business Process (conference)
CBPCertified Bodytalk Practitioner
CBPComprehensive Benefits Plan (various organizations)
CBPChorleywood Bread Process
CBPCoimbra Portugal (airport code)
CBPCenter on Budget and Policy (West Virginia)
CBPCommercial Business Park (various locations)
CBPCommon Basic Principle (EU)
CBPChronic Back Pain
CBPCirrhose Biliaire Primitive (French: Primary Biliary Cirrhosis; medical condition)
CBPCentre for Business Performance (Cranfield University; UK)
CBPCentral Bank of Paraguay
CBPChronic Bacterial Prostatitis
CBPCommunity Build Project (forum)
CBPCommercial Building Products
CBPCenter for Biological Physics (various schools)
CBPCenter for Biblical Preaching (Luther Seminary; St. Paul, MN)
CBPCommunity Based Programme (various locations)
CBPChecks by Phone (TeleCheck)
CBPCoded Block Pattern (MPEG)
CBPComic Book Project (Columbia Univeristy; New York)
CBPCertified Building Professional (NPSI)
CBPCanadian Business Press
CBPCompagnie de Banque Privée (French: Private Banking Company; Luxembourg)
CBPCommunity Building Program (various organizations)
CBPConsumer Best Practices (various organizations)
CBPCenturion Bank of Punjab (India)
CBPCompetitive Bidding Program (Medicare; US DHHS)
CBPCognitive Behavioral Program (psychotherapy)
CBPComprehensive Breast Program (various organizations)
CBPCentral Bank of the Philippines
CBPColin Buchanan and Partners (UK)
CBPCash Balance Plan
CBPCommunity Benefits Plan (various organizations)
CBPCapability Based Planning
CBPCommunity Based Partnership (various organizations)
CBPChronic Benign Pain
CBPCenter for Beam Physics (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA)
CBPCase Based Planning
CBPComplete Blood Picture
CBPClean Boating Partnership (Florida)
CBPConvergent Billing Platform (Saville)
CBPContagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia
CBPCreating Better Places Program (Australia)
CBPCommon Business Process
CBPContrats de Bonne Pratique (French: Contracts of Good Practice; health care)
CBPCustom Bikes & Parts (Norway)
CBPContinuous Bomber Presence
CBPCanadian Bush Party (band)
CBPColorblindness, Partial, Protan Series
CBPCleethorpes Beach Patrol
CBPCarrée, Biebuyck & Partners (recruitment agency; Belgium)
CBPCaptive Breeding Program (wildlife management)
CBPCondensate Booster Pump
CBPCoussinets Bagues de Précision (French: Precision Bearings Rings; Sartrouville, France)
CBPChronic Benzene Poisoning
CBPCritical Business Process
CBPCustomer Benefit Package (goods and services)
CBPCollege Basketball Partnership
CBPCommon Buffer Pool
CBPCombustion By-Product
CBPCatherine Besnard-Peron (French life coach)
CBPChehalis Basin Partnership (Washington State)
CBPCabinet Bessé Prévoyance (French: Bessé Welfare Office; Nantes, France)
CBPConnector Bracket Power
CBPCommodity Business Plan
CBPCalifornia Board of Psychology
CBPCommon Battlespace Picture
CBPCentral Brooklyn Partnership (Brooklyn, NY)
CBPClub de Badminton de Perenchies (French: Perenchies Badminton Club; Perenchies, France)
CBPComptoir Burkinabé du Papier (French: Burkina Faso Paper Counter; Burkina Faso)
CBPConcurrent Block Processing
CBPCyprus Business Portal
CBPCode Block Processor
CBPCanceled By Patient
CBPCentre Blaise Pascal (French: Blaise Pascal Center; Lyon, France)
CBPClub de Badminton de Provins (French: Provins Badminton Club; Provins, France)
CBPCold-Ball Pull (solder materials testing of Ball Grid Arrays electronic packages)
CBPConstruction of Facilities Best Practices
CBPCentral Banking Program
CBPComplementary Bipolar Process
CBPCorn Bread Productions
CBPClub de Badminton Pringy (French: Pringy Badminton Club; Pringy, France)
CBPConservation Breeding Program (wildlife management)
CBPCommon Battlefield Picture
CBPCasino Bonus Promotion
CBPClub de Billard de Plainpalais (French: Billiard Club of Plainpalais; Switzerland)
CBPConstruction Bâtiment Parisien (French: Building Construction in Paris; Paris, France)
CBPComptoir Boulangerie Pâtisserie (French: Bakery and Pastry Counter)
CBPCabinet Biard-Pinçon (French: Biard Pinçon Office; building inspection)




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