Brissaud-Marie syndrome

Bris·saud-Ma·rie syn·drome

(brē-sō' mah-rē'), functional spasms of the lips and glossolabial paralysis (related to conversion disorder).

Brissaud-Marie syndrome

(1) Somatisation disorder. 
(2) An obsolete term for unilateral spasm of the tongue and lip, a type of hysterical conversion reaction.


Edouard, French physician, 1852-1909. Brissaud disease - habitual, repeated contraction of certain muscles, resulting in actions that can be voluntarily suppressed for only brief periods. Synonym(s): ticBrissaud infantilism - Synonym(s): infantile hypothyroidismBrissaud reflex - tickling the sole causes a contraction of the tensor fasciae latae muscle, even when there is no responsive movement of the toes.Brissaud-Marie syndrome - unilateral spasm of the tongue and lips, of hysterical nature.


Pierre, French neurologist, 1853-1940. Bamberger-Marie disease - Synonym(s): Bamberger-Marie syndromeBamberger-Marie syndrome - see under Bamberger, EugenBrissaud-Marie syndrome - see under BrissaudCharcot-Marie-Tooth disease - see under CharcotDebré-Marie syndrome - see under DebréFoix-Cavany-Marie syndrome - see under FoixMarie ataxia - obsolete term for a variety of non-Friedreich hereditary ataxias.Marie-Leri syndrome - swelling of deformed joints.Marie-Sainton syndrome - excessive head development. Synonym(s): cleidocranial dysplasia; cleidocranial dysostosisMarie-Strümpell disease - Synonym(s): Strümpell-Marie diseaseMarie I syndrome - Synonym(s): Menzel syndromeMarie II syndrome - endocrine and neurologic disorders.Nonne-Marie syndrome - Synonym(s): Menzel syndromeStrümpell-Marie disease - see under Strümpell

Bris·saud-Ma·rie syn·drome

(brē-sō mah-rē sindrōm) Functional spasms of the lips and glossolabial paralysis (related to conversion disorder).