Elijah Day

Elijah Day

July 20Considered to be among the greatest of prophets, Elijah is commemorated on this day in both the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches. An Old Testament Jew who is revered by Jews and Muslims as well, Elijah's story appears in chapters 17 and 18 of the first book of Kings, with the final episode appearing in Second Kings, chapter two. It tells of Elijah's sojourn in the desert, where he was fed every morning and evening by ravens. It also tells about the miracles he performed, replenishing the meal and oil supplies of a widow who fed him despite a severe famine and bringing her son back to life when he died.
The highpoint of Elijah's ministry occurred when he called the priests who worshipped Baal, the pagan fertility god, to the top of Mount Carmel and challenged them to a contest that would prove who was the true God. When the pagan priests failed in their efforts to ask Baal to set fire to their sacrifice, Elijah called on his God, who immediately consumed with fire not only the sacrifice but the altar itself and the dust and water surrounding it. When Elijah died, it is said that he was taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot by a whirlwind.
DayRel-1990, p. 139
DaysCustFaith-1957, p. 187