



(both: bērē`ə). 1 Town near Jerusalem, mentioned in First Maccabees. It is probably identical with BeerothBeeroth
, in the Bible. 1 City important as a road station, now Bira (West Bank). 2 Same as Bene-jaakan.
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 (1.) 2 See VéroiaVéroia
or Veria
, town (1991 pop. 38,713), capital of Imathía prefecture, N Greece, in Macedonia. It is a lignite-mining and textile-milling center. In ancient times the town was known as Berea or Beroea. Paul and Silas preached there (Acts 17.10).
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, Greece. 3 See AleppoAleppo
or Alep
, Arabic Haleb, city (1993 est. pop. 1,500,000), capital of Aleppo governorate, NW Syria. It is a commercial and industrial center located in a semidesert region where irrigation is used to grow grains, cotton, and fruit.
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, Syria.


(bərē`ə), city (1990 pop. 19,051), Cuyahoga co., NE Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland; settled 1809, inc. as a city 1930. Berea is a residential community with a number of industries, such as plastics, alloy, and light engineering. Baldwin-Wallace College is there.