Clara cell

Cla·ra cell

(klahr'ah), a rounded, club-shaped, nonciliated cell protruding between ciliated cells in bronchiolar epithelium; believed to be secretory in function. Synonym(s): bronchiolar exocrine cell

Clara cell

A cuboidal epithelial cell found in the lining of the terminal and the respiratory bronchioles of the lungs. Clara cells are nonciliated, and they secrete surfactant, like the type II alveolar epithelial cells found deeper in the bronchial tree. See also: cell

Clara cell

(klăr′ă, klah′ră) [Max Clara, Austrian anatomist, 1899–1937] One of the secreting cells in the surface epithelium of the bronchioles. These cells, along with goblet cells, provide secretions for the respiratory tract. The secretion is a mucus-poor protein that coats the epithelium.


Max, Austrian anatomist, 1899–. Clara cell - a rounded, club-shaped, nonciliated cell protruding between ciliated cells in bronchiolar epithelium; believed to be secretory in function. Synonym(s): bronchiolar exocrine cellClara hematoxylin