

F0054100 (fôlt′lĭs)adj. Being without fault. See Synonyms at perfect.
fault′less·ly adv.fault′less·ness n.
Adv.1.faultlessly - without a fault; in a faultless manner; "he solved all the problems faultlessly"


(foːlt) noun1. a mistake; something for which one is to blame. The accident was your fault. 過錯 过错2. an imperfection; something wrong. There is a fault in this machine; a fault in his character. 毛病 毛病3. a crack in the rock surface of the earth. faults in the earth's crust. 斷層 断层 verb to find fault with. I couldn't fault him / his piano-playing. 找...的缺點 找...的缺点ˈfaultless adjective without fault; perfect. a faultless performance. 完美無缺的 完美无缺的ˈfaultlessly adverb 完美無缺地 完美无缺地ˈfaulty adjective (usually of something mechanical) not made or working correctly. 有缺陷的 有缺陷的at fault wrong or to blame. She was at fault. 有過錯 有过错find fault with to criticize or complain of. She is always finding fault with the way he eats. 挑剔 挑剔to a fault to too great an extent. She was generous to a fault. 過分 过分