

单词 ccam


Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM)

A condition in which one or more lobes of the fetal lungs develop into fluid-filled sacs called cysts.Mentioned in: Prenatal Surgery


CCAMClimate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (EU)
CCAMClassification Commune des Actes Médicaux (French equivalent to the US Procedure Coding System)
CCAMCoordinating Council on Access and Mobility (transportation)
CCAMCertified Community Association Manager
CCAMCentre Culturel André Malraux (French: Andre Malraux Cultural Center; Nancy, France)
CCAMCapital Cities Asset Management (Austin, TX)
CCAMCertified Control Account Manager (Earned Value Management Institute; Leesburg, VA)
CCAMCertified Clinic Account Manager
CCAMCommunauté de Communes de l'Arc Mosellan (French: Community of Communes of Arc Mosellan; Moselle, France)
CCAMCenter for Computational & Applied Mathematics (Purdue University)
CCAMCongenital Cystic Adenoid Malformation
CCAMContamination and Collision Avoidance Maneuver
CCAMCherbourg Club Aviron de Mer (French: Cherbourg Sea Rowing Club; Cherbourg-Octeville, France)
CCAMCercle des Collectionneurs d'Automobiles Miniatures (French: Car Miniatures Collectors Circle; Toulouse, France)
CCAMCommunauté de Communes de l'Agglomération Migennoise (French: Community of Municipalities of Greater Migennoise; Migennes, France)
CCAMConformance Claim Attachment Mechanism (WS-I attachments profile)




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