Becker, Carl Heinrich

Becker, Carl Heinrich


Born Apr. 12, 1876, in Amsterdam; died Feb. 10, 1933, in Berlin. German Islamic scholar and statesman.

Becker was the founder (1910) and chief editor of the journal Der Islam. In 1921 and from 1925 to 1930 he was minister of culture in Prussia; he carried out a number of reforms in the field of public education. He founded the Pedagogical Academy. In his works on the history of Islam, Becker attempted to show the dominant role of socioeconomic factors in the process of the formation and spread of Islam.


Islamstudien, vols. 1–2. Berlin, 1924–32.


Batunskii, M. A. “Iz istorii zapadnoevropeiskogo islamovedeniia perioda imperializma (K. Bekker).” Nauchnye raboty i soobshcheniia AN Uzbekskoi SSR, book 2. Tashkent, 1961.
Ritter, H. “Dem Andenken an C. H. Becker.” Der Islam, 1937, vol. 24; 1963, vol. 38, fasc. 3.