Acronym | Definition |
DTF➣Down to Fish |
DTF➣Din Tai Fung (restaurant; various locations) |
DTF➣Department of Taxation and Finance (New York) |
DTF➣Department of Treasury and Finance (Australia) |
DTF➣Distributed Terascale Facility (National Science Foundation distributed supercomputing grid) |
DTF➣Developing the Future (UK) |
DTF➣Distance to Finish (sailing regattas) |
DTF➣Drug Task Force |
DTF➣De Toute Façon (French: Anyway) |
DTF➣Distance-To-Fault (cabling) |
DTF➣Diffusion Technique Française (French medical supply company) |
DTF➣Data File |
DTF➣Digital Training Facilities |
DTF➣Distributed Function Terminal |
DTF➣Dial Tone First |
DTF➣Dynamic Text Field |
DTF➣Dansk Tennis Forbund |
DTF➣Diesel Technology Forum |
DTF➣Define The File |
DTF➣Doomed to Fail |
DTF➣Dental Treatment Facility |
DTF➣Digital Tape Format |
DTF➣Down to Frisbee |
DTF➣Digital Transmission Facility |
DTF➣Dave Thomas Foundation |
DTF➣Deployment Task Force (Dutch troops in Afghanistan) |
DTF➣Digital Training Facility |
DTF➣Development Test Facility |
DTF➣Data Transmission Facility |
DTF➣Day Treatment Facility |
DTF➣Duties, Taxes and Fees |
DTF➣Discrete Trial Format |
DTF➣Dansk Taekwondo Forbund (Danish Taekwondo Association) |
DTF➣Development Test Flight |
DTF➣Diaspora Togolaise en France (French: Togolese Diaspora in France) |
DTF➣Data Transmission Feature |
DTF➣Down to Fellowship |
DTF➣Destination de Tourisme en Famille (French: Family Holiday Destination) |
DTF➣Downtime Failure |
DTF➣Dedicated Toll Free |
DTF➣Depósitos Termino Fijo (Spanish: Fixed Term Deposits; Colombia) |
DTF➣Dream-Team Fansub (France) |
DTF➣Data Translation Facility |
DTF➣Domene Technologies Formations (French: Domene Technology Training) |
DTF➣Drop-Tube Furnace |
DTF➣Delaware Town Famous (band) |
DTF➣Della Toffola France (Italian manufacturing group) |
DTF➣Delaware Teaching Fellows (Delaware Department of Education) |
DTF➣Dial Tone First payphone |
DTF➣Discrete Time Fourier |
DTF➣Dead Tree Format (paper files) |
DTF➣Diabetes Trust Foundation (formerly Diabetes Trust Fund) |
DTF➣Dans Ton Fion (French gaming clan) |
DTF➣Danish Tree Federation |
DTF➣Digital Trunk Frame |
DTF➣DHAPP (Department of Defense HIV/AIDS) Prevention Program Travel Form |
DTF➣Database Transfer Form |
DTF➣Digital Test Data Format |
DTF➣Digital Terrain File |
DTF➣Distribution Time/Frequency |
DTF➣Development & Training Flight (US Air Force) |
DTF➣Document Transmission Facility |
DTF➣Down to Fornicate |