

单词 dtf
释义 DictionarySeeait



vulgar slang An initialism of "down to fuck," meaning willing to have sex. You need to find out if she's DTF. My date is DTF, so I'll see you in the morning!



(Digital Tape Format) A high-performance magnetic tape technology from Sony that was based on the helical scan transport and cartridge shell of Sony's highly successful 1/2" Digital Betacam. Providing up to 42GB of storage (DTF-1) with a sustained transfer rate of 12 Mbytes/sec, DTF drives were widely used for general enterprise-wide backup and storage area networks (SANs) as well as archiving video and recording seismic information. In 1999, the DTF-2 format increased capacity to 200GB and transfer rate to 24MB/s. Supplanted by LTO and SAIT, DTF was given end of life status in 2004 with support until 2011. See DIR, LTO, AIT and magnetic tape.

DTF Tape Storage
Sony's DTF tape drives evolved from its successful Betacam family which has been an industry standard for years. The 4mm DAT cassette is shown for size comparison.


DTFDown to Fish
DTFDin Tai Fung (restaurant; various locations)
DTFDepartment of Taxation and Finance (New York)
DTFDepartment of Treasury and Finance (Australia)
DTFDistributed Terascale Facility (National Science Foundation distributed supercomputing grid)
DTFDeveloping the Future (UK)
DTFDistance to Finish (sailing regattas)
DTFDrug Task Force
DTFDe Toute Façon (French: Anyway)
DTFDistance-To-Fault (cabling)
DTFDiffusion Technique Française (French medical supply company)
DTFData File
DTFDigital Training Facilities
DTFDistributed Function Terminal
DTFDial Tone First
DTFDynamic Text Field
DTFDansk Tennis Forbund
DTFDiesel Technology Forum
DTFDefine The File
DTFDoomed to Fail
DTFDental Treatment Facility
DTFDigital Tape Format
DTFDown to Frisbee
DTFDigital Transmission Facility
DTFDave Thomas Foundation
DTFDeployment Task Force (Dutch troops in Afghanistan)
DTFDigital Training Facility
DTFDevelopment Test Facility
DTFData Transmission Facility
DTFDay Treatment Facility
DTFDuties, Taxes and Fees
DTFDiscrete Trial Format
DTFDansk Taekwondo Forbund (Danish Taekwondo Association)
DTFDevelopment Test Flight
DTFDiaspora Togolaise en France (French: Togolese Diaspora in France)
DTFData Transmission Feature
DTFDown to Fellowship
DTFDestination de Tourisme en Famille (French: Family Holiday Destination)
DTFDowntime Failure
DTFDedicated Toll Free
DTFDepósitos Termino Fijo (Spanish: Fixed Term Deposits; Colombia)
DTFDream-Team Fansub (France)
DTFData Translation Facility
DTFDomene Technologies Formations (French: Domene Technology Training)
DTFDrop-Tube Furnace
DTFDelaware Town Famous (band)
DTFDella Toffola France (Italian manufacturing group)
DTFDelaware Teaching Fellows (Delaware Department of Education)
DTFDial Tone First payphone
DTFDiscrete Time Fourier
DTFDead Tree Format (paper files)
DTFDiabetes Trust Foundation (formerly Diabetes Trust Fund)
DTFDans Ton Fion (French gaming clan)
DTFDanish Tree Federation
DTFDigital Trunk Frame
DTFDHAPP (Department of Defense HIV/AIDS) Prevention Program Travel Form
DTFDatabase Transfer Form
DTFDigital Test Data Format
DTFDigital Terrain File
DTFDistribution Time/Frequency
DTFDevelopment & Training Flight (US Air Force)
DTFDocument Transmission Facility
DTFDown to Fornicate
ThesaurusSeemagnetic tape




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