Clarke County
Clarke County, Virginia
Berryville, VA 22611
Phone: (540) 955-5100
Fax: (540) 955-4002
On northern border of VA, northwest of Arlington; organized Mar 8, 1836 from Frederick and Warren counties. Name Origin: Alternate spelling for George Rogers Clark (1752-1818), a general in the American Revolution and frontiersman in the Northwest Territory
Area (sq mi):: 178.19 (land 176.62; water 1.57) Population per square mile: 80.40
Population 2005: 14,205 State rank: 99 Population change: 2000-20005 12.30%; 1990-2000 4.60% Population 2000: 12,652 (White 90.30%; Black or African American 6.70%; Hispanic or Latino 1.50%; Asian 0.50%; Other 1.70%). Foreign born: 2.50%. Median age: 40.60
Income 2000: per capita $24,844; median household $51,601; Population below poverty level: 6.60% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $30,985-$30,962
Unemployment (2004): 2.70% Unemployment change (from 2000): 0.90% Median travel time to work: 32.40 minutes Working outside county of residence: 63.60%
See other counties in Virginia.
Clarke County, Alabama
Grove Hill, AL 36451
Phone: (251) 275-3507
Fax: (251) 275-8517
In southwestern AL, northeast of Mobile; organized Dec 10, 1812 (prior to statehood) from Washington County. Name Origin: For John Clarke, a local Indian fighter
Area (sq mi):: 1252.51 (land 1238.38; water 14.13) Population per square mile: 22.00
Population 2005: 27,269 State rank: 40 Population change: 2000-20005 -2.10%; 1990-2000 2.30% Population 2000: 27,867 (White 55.70%; Black or African American 43.00%; Hispanic or Latino 0.60%; Asian 0.20%; Other 0.90%). Foreign born: 0.50%. Median age: 35.50
Income 2000: per capita $14,581; median household $27,388; Population below poverty level: 22.60% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $20,209-$21,867
Unemployment (2004): 8.80% Unemployment change (from 2000): -2.80% Median travel time to work: 26.20 minutes Working outside county of residence: 24.70%
See other counties in Alabama.
Clarke County, Iowa
Osceola, IA 50213
Phone: (641) 342-6096
Fax: (641) 342-2463
In south-central IA, south of Des Moines, established Jan 13, 1846 from Lucas County. Name Origin: For James Clarke (1811-50), publisher of Burlington, IA, Gazette (1837), and last governor of IA Territory (1845-46).
Area (sq mi):: 431.72 (land 431.12; water 0.60) Population per square mile: 21.20
Population 2005: 9,161 State rank: 84 Population change: 2000-20005 0.30%; 1990-2000 10.20% Population 2000: 9,133 (White 94.70%; Black or African American 0.10%; Hispanic or Latino 4.00%; Asian 0.40%; Other 2.90%). Foreign born: 2.50%. Median age: 38.60
Income 2000: per capita $16,409; median household $34,474; Population below poverty level: 8.50% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $21,803-$23,297
Unemployment (2004): 6.80% Unemployment change (from 2000): 2.60% Median travel time to work: 23.30 minutes Working outside county of residence: 23.30%
See other counties in Iowa.
Clarke County, Mississippi
Quitman, MS 39355
Phone: (601) 776-2126
Fax: (601) 776-2756
On the central eastern border of MS, south of Meridian; organized Dec 10, 1812 (prior to statehood) from Choctaw cession. Name Origin: For Joshua G. Clarke, first chancellor of MS
Area (sq mi):: 693.41 (land 691.27; water 2.14) Population per square mile: 25.60
Population 2005: 17,670 State rank: 55 Population change: 2000-20005 -1.60%; 1990-2000 3.70% Population 2000: 17,955 (White 64.10%; Black or African American 34.80%; Hispanic or Latino 0.70%; Asian 0.10%; Other 0.60%). Foreign born: 0.30%. Median age: 36.80
Income 2000: per capita $14,288; median household $26,610; Population below poverty level: 23.00% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $17,446-$18,676
Unemployment (2004): 7.60% Unemployment change (from 2000): -1.80% Median travel time to work: 31.30 minutes Working outside county of residence: 43.70%
See other counties in Mississippi.