Barrett syndrome

Bar·rett syn·drome

(bar'ĕt), chronic peptic ulceration of the lower esophagus, which is lined by columnar epithelium, resembling the mucosa of the gastric cardia, acquired as a result of long-standing chronic esophagitis; esophageal stricture with reflux, and adenocarcinoma, also have been reported. Associated with a 30-to-40 fold increased risk of adenocarcinoma. Synonym(s): Barrett esophagus, Barrett metaplasia

Bar·rett syn·drome

, Barrett esophagus , Barrett metaplasia (bar'ĕt sin'drōm, ĕ-sof'ă-gŭs, met'ă-plā'zē-ă) Chronic peptic ulceration of the lower esophagus, which is lined by columnar epithelium, resembling the mucosa of the gastric cardia, acquired as a result of long-standing chronic esophagitis; esophageal stricture with reflux, and adenocarcinoma, also have been reported.


Norman Rupert, English surgeon, 1903-1979. adenocarcinoma in Barrett esophagus - an adenocarcinoma arising in the lower third of the esophagus that has become columnar cell lined (Barrett mucosa) due to gastroesophageal reflux.Barrett epithelium - columnar esophageal epithelium seen in Barrett syndrome.Barrett esophagus - chronic peptic ulceration of the lower esophagus acquired as a result of long-standing chronic esophagitis. Synonym(s): Barrett syndrome; Barrett ulcerBarrett syndrome - Synonym(s): Barrett esophagusBarrett ulcer - Synonym(s): Barrett esophagusEagle-Barrett syndrome - Synonym(s): prune belly syndrome

Bar·rett syn·drome

, Barrett esophagus , Barrett metaplasia (bar'ĕt sin'drōm, ĕ-sof'ă-gŭs, met'ă-plā'zē-ă) Chronic peptic ulceration of the lower esophagus, which is lined by columnar epithelium, resembling the mucosa of the gastric cardia, acquired as a result of long-standing chronic esophagitis.