

C0552400 (kən-dĕns′)v. con·densed, con·dens·ing, con·dens·es a. To make more dense or compact: gravity condensing matter into stars.b. To concentrate (a substance), especially by removing water.2. To make more concise; abridge or shorten: condensed the list of guests.3. To cause (a gas or vapor) to change to a liquid.v.intr.1. To become more dense or compact.2. To undergo condensation.
[Middle English condensen, from Old French condenser, from Latin condēnsāre : com-, intensive pref.; see com- + dēnsāre, to thicken (from dēnsus, thick).]
con·dens′a·bil′i·ty n.con·dens′a·ble, con·dens′i·ble adj.