Clark, John Maurice

Clark, John Maurice


Born Nov. 30, 1884, in Northampton, Mass.; died June 27, 1963, in Westport, Conn. American economist, doctor of philosophy (1910). The son of J. B. Clark.

Clark taught in a number of colleges from 1908 on. From 1915 to 1926, he was at the University of Chicago; from 1926, he was professor of economics at Columbia University. From 1934 to 1954 he worked for a number of US government institutions. Clark strongly supported state regulation of the economy, especially measures to combat crises. He was one of the founders of the theory of oligopoly. He helped work out the theory of the diffusion of benefits, which states that the results of economic progress are supposedly distributed equally among all classes of society. His views are widely held in contemporary bourgeois political economy.


Social Control of Business. Chicago, 1926.
Strategic Factors in Business Cycles. New York, 1934.
Guideposts in Time of Change. New York [1949].
Economic Institutions and Human Welfare. New York, 1957.