


D0200800 (dī′ə-tĕs′ər-ən)n. The four Gospels combined into a single narrative.
[Middle English, interval of a fourth, from Latin diatessarōn, made of four, from Greek dia tessarōn, out of four : dia, according to; see dia- + tessarōn, genitive of tessares, four; see kwetwer- in Indo-European roots.]


(ˌdaɪəˈtɛsəˌrɒn) n1. (Music, other) music (in classical Greece) the interval of a perfect fourth2. (Bible) a conflation of the four Gospels into a single continuous narrative[C14: from Late Latin, from Greek dia tessarōn khordōn sumphōnia concord through four notes, from dia through + tessares four]