Acronym | Definition |
ENP➣École Nationale de Police (French: National Police School) |
ENP➣Escuela Nacional Preparatoria (Spanish: National Preparatory School) |
ENP➣Elephant Nature Park (Thailand) |
ENP➣European Neighbourhood Policy |
ENP➣Espacios Naturales Protegidos (Spanish: Protected Areas Management) |
ENP➣École Nationale de Procédure (French: National School of Procedure) |
ENP➣Event Notification Program |
ENP➣Enable Presentation |
ENP➣Everglades National Park |
ENP➣Elderly Nutrition Program (various locations) |
ENP➣École des Neurosciences Paris Île-De-France (French neuroscience school) |
ENP➣Electroneurophysiology |
ENP➣Emergency Nurse Practitioner |
ENP➣Emergency Number Professional (NENA) |
ENP➣Electroless Nickel Plating |
ENP➣El Niño Phenomenon (climate) |
ENP➣Enterprising Non-Profits |
ENP➣Entreprise Nouvelle de Peinture (French: New Paint Company) |
ENP➣endotoxin-neutralizing protein |
ENP➣Embedded NPrinter (Novell NetWare) |
ENP➣École Nationale de Perfectionnement (French: National School of Development) |
ENP➣epicardiac nerve plexus |
ENP➣Executive Next Practices (business program) |
ENP➣Expected Net Profit |
ENP➣Extended Negotiation Procedure |
ENP➣Electronic News Processing |
ENP➣European National Party |
ENP➣Elastomeric Nano Particle |