Croly, Jane Cunningham

Croly, Jane Cunningham

(krō`lē), pseud.

Jennie June,

1829–1901, American journalist and feminist, b. England. She came to the United States at the age of 12 and in 1857 married author and editor David Goodman Croly. She was one of the earliest American newspaperwomen, writing for various New York newspapers under the pseudonym Jennie June. From 1860 to 1887 she edited Demorest's Quarterly Mirror of Fashion (later Demorest's Illustrated Monthly) and later was part owner of Godey's Lady's Book. She specialized in women's features and was among the first journalists who syndicated their articles. In 1856 she called the first women's congress. Twelve years later, in 1868, she founded Sorosis, the only women's club of importance at that time, and in 1889, the New York Women's Press Club. She wrote The History of the Woman's Club Movement in America (1898).