CCFRCapital City Fire Rescue (Alaska)
CCFRCatalogue Collectif de France
CCFRChicago Council on Foreign Relations
CCFRChina Center for Financial Research (China)
CCFRContinuing Competence Framework for Recertification (New Zealand)
CCFRChicago Columbia Fermilab Rochester
CCFRCentre de Commerce Franco Russe (French: Franco-Russian Trade Center)
CCFRCompagnie des Chemins de Fer Réunis
CCFRColorectal Cancer Family Registry
CCFRChildcare and Family Resources
CCFRCenter for Child and Family Research
CCFRComité de Coordination de la Facturation Réciproque
CCFRCalvary Chapel of the Front Range
CCFRColorado Council on Family Relations
CCFRConselho Consultivo Florestal Regional
CCFRCamden County Fire Rescue