


organic nitrogenous compounds of the general formula Diazotates (Ar is an aromatic or heterocyclic radical, Me is an alkali metal). Diazotates exist in the form of two stereoisomeric types—unstable syn- diazotates (or cis-diazotates) and stable anti-diazotates (frYws-diazotates). Syn-diazotates usually form rapidly upon the action of alkalies on diazonium salts; anti-diazotates form upon heating with alkalies. Upon treatment with acids, diazotates revert to diazo salts. Diazotates were used in the textile industry for cold dyeing but have been replaced with diazoaminoles.


Zollinger, H. Khimiia azokrasitelei. Leningrad, 1960. (Translated from German.)