Crooke hyaline change

Crooke hy·a·line change

(kruk), replacement of cytoplasmic granules of basophil cells of the anterior pituitary by homogeneous hyaline material; a characteristic finding in Cushing syndrome, but usually not present in the cells of a basophil adenoma. Synonym(s): Crooke hyaline degeneration

Crooke hy·a·line change

(kruk hī'ă-lin chānj) Replacement of cytoplasmic granules of basophil cells of the anterior pituitary by homogeneous hyaline material; a characteristic finding in Cushing syndrome, but usually not present in the cells of a basophil adenoma.


Arthur Carleton, English pathologist, 1905–. Crooke granules - lumpy masses of basophilic material in the pituitary associated with Cushing disease or following the administration of ACTH.Crooke hyaline change - replacement of cytoplasmic granules of basophil cells of the anterior pituitary by homogenous hyaline material. Synonym(s): Crooke hyaline degenerationCrooke hyaline degeneration - Synonym(s): Crooke hyaline change