Berent, Waclaw
Berent, Waclaw
Born Sept. 28, 1873, in Warsaw; died there on Nov. 22, 1940. Polish writer. Member of the Polish Academy of Literature from 1933.
Berent began publishing in 1894. He wrote the novels Decay (1901), about the life of artistic Bohemia; The Winter Crop (1911), which depicts Polish society on the eve of the revolutionary events of 1905; and Living Stones (1918), from the period of the Middle Ages. His works of the 1920’s and 1930’s deal with Poland’s intellectual life and national liberation movement at the turn of the 19th century. He was drawn toward modernism, while continuing to deal with national and patriotic, social, and psychological problems.
Diela wybrane, vols. 1–6. Warsaw, 1956–58.In Russian translation:
Gnilushki. St. Petersburg, 1907.
Maciæg, W. “Idee epoki w twórczości Wacł awa Berenta.” In Z problemów literatury polskiej XX wieku, vol. 1. Warsaw, 1965.V. V. VITT