CCIRComité Consultatif International des Radio Communications (French: International Radio Consultative Committee)
CCIRCamera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei (Romanian: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania)
CCIRChambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de La Réunion (French: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of La Reunion; La Reunion, France)
CCIRCalifornia Coalition for Immigration Reform
CCIRCanadian Council of Insurance Regulators
CCIRCoalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (Washington, DC)
CCIRChamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest
CCIRCentre for Communication Interface Research (University of Edinburgh)
CCIRCollection and Communication of Inspection Results (UK)
CCIRCase Center for Imaging Research (Cleveland, OH)
CCIRCommander’s Critical Information Requirement (US DoD)
CCIRCatholic Campaign for Immigration Reform
CCIRConsultative Committee International Radio
CCIRCustomer Carry in Repair
CCIRCrane Condition Inspection Record (US Navy)
CCIRCamera di Commercio Italo-Russa
CCIRClimate Change Information Resources
CCIRCentral Coast Immunization Registry
CCIRCentre for Construction Innovation Research (University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK)
CCIRChange of Custodian Inventory Report
CCIRInternational Radio Consultative Committeve (International Telecommunication Union)
CCIRCommunications, Computing and Information Resources
CCIRCertified Cardiovascular Industry Representative (Cardiovascular Research Foundation)
CCIRCamp Chase Industrial Railroad
CCIRCampus & Community Involvement Record
CCIRCommand and Control Information Requirements
CCIRCritical Command Information Requirements
CCIRContract Cost Information Report
CCIRCommand Critical Intelligence Requirements