

单词 ecr



abbreviation for (Commerce) efficient consumer response: the use of point-of-sale data to initiate the reordering of stock from a supplier



(engineering) electronic cash register
FinancialSeeEarnings Credit Rate


ECREfficient Consumer Response
ECREuropean Congress of Radiology
ECREthique et Culture Religieuse (French: Ethics and Religious Culture; Quebec, Canada)
ECRElectron Cyclotron Resonance
ECRElectronic Cash Register
ECREuro Cargo Rail
ECREarly Career Researcher
ECREngine Control Room (ships)
ECREuropean Court Reports (EU case law)
ECREast Coast Radio (South Africa)
ECREl Camino Real (Kings Highway; California)
ECREngineering Correction Reviews
ECREngineering Change Request
ECRExport Control Reform (trade)
ECREnhanced Carrier Route (USPS)
ECRExport Credit Refinancing
ECRÉtudes, Conception, Réalisation (French: Studies, Design, Development)
ECRExtended Constructed Response (scoring tool, education)
ECREpoxy Coated Rebar (also seen as E)
ECREuropean Commission Representation
ECRÉcole de Conduite Routière (French driving school)
ECRExtensor Carpi Radialis (muscle)
ECRÉcole du Chêne et de la Rivière (French martial arts school)
ECREspace Chorégraphique Rochefortais (French dance school)
ECRElectronic Combat/Reconnaissance
ECREducation Credit (IRS)
ECREnhanced Call Routing
ECRElectronic Court Records
ECRElectronic Combat Range
ECREmergency Control Room
ECREntente Cycliste Renanaise (French cycling club)
ECREEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) Control Register (also seen as EECR)
ECRError Cause Removal
ECREvidence-Informed Case Rate (health care budgeting)
ECREarly Childhood Resource
ECREasements with Covenants and Restrictions (real estate rights)
ECREast Conference Room (various locations)
ECREntreprises Carnutes Réunies (French civil engineering company)
ECREffective Contrast Ratio
ECRElectronic Care Record (healthcare)
ECREssonne Construction Rénovation (French construction and renovation company)
ECREarth Centered Rotating
ECRExecutive Conference Room
ECREnforcement Case Review
ECRExpanded Church Response (Zambia)
ECREgress Committed Rate (networking)
ECREnterprise Change Request (engineering analysis)
ECREmerald City Roundup (Seattle, WA)
ECRElectron Counting Rule
ECREffective Casualty Radius
ECREffective Cleaning Radius
ECREuropees Centrum Restauratietechnieken (Dutch: European Centre Restoration Techniques; Belgium)
ECRExpander Connection Router (SAS)
ECREconomic Continuous Rating
ECREast Coast Ramble
ECREl Camino Resources, Ltd.
ECREngineer Change Request
ECREast Coast Repository
ECRExisting Condition Report
ECREngineering Change Request/Report
ECREnvironmental Compliance Report
ECREnemy Contact Report
ECREquipment Custody Record
ECREnvironmental Compliance & Restoration
ECRError Containment Region
ECREmbedded Computer Resource
ECREligible Couple Register (census research; India)
ECREffective Clutter Region
ECRExcept Change Route to Read
ECREntreprise de Construction de Rosières (French construction company)
ECREquipment Certification Request
ECREstimated Cost Replacement
ECREngineering Change Status Report
ECREngineering Capability Release
ECREnergy Consumption Report
ECREnabling Capability Recipient
ECREngineering Certification Request
ECRError Correction Radius
ECRExpected Citation Rate
ECRExchange Carrier Representative
ECRExcess Contribution Refund
ECRExperiential Compatibility Resourcing (professional recruitment)




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