

单词 ccl



(1)Coral Common LISP.


(2)Computer Control Language. English-like query languagebased on COLINGO, for IBM 1401 and IBM 1410.


CCLCenter for Creative Leadership
CCLCAC (Common Access Card) Cryptographic Logon
CCLCelebrity Cricket League (sports)
CCLCarnival Cruise Lines
CCLClimate Change Levy
CCLCommerce Control List
CCLCopper Clad Laminate (printed circuits)
CCLCertificate of Completion (various schools)
CCLCommon Command Language
CCLCreative Commons License
CCLCasing Collar Locator (petroleum technology)
CCLCouple-to-Couple League (for Natural Family Planning)
CCLChild Care Licensing
CCLCouldn't Care Less
CCLContaminant Candidate List (United States)
CCLCode of Canon Law (Christianity)
CCLCommunication Control Language
CCLCarrier Common Line
CCLColor Calibrated Laser
CCLCampus Computer Labs
CCLCorel Contractual Licensing
CCLCompact Control Language
CCLCommunication Controller for Linux
CCLCommunication Command Language
CCLCanadian Council on Learning (Canada)
CCLCenter for Connected Learning
CCLCommission Canadienne du Lait (Canadian Dairy Commission)
CCLComputational Chemistry List
CCLChevron Canada Limited (British Columbia; Canada)
CCLCommission for Climatology (WMO)
CCLCommercial Companies Law (various locations)
CCLChemokine C-C Motif Ligand
CCLCenter for Community Leadership (various locations)
CCLCentre Culturel Libertaire (French: Libertarian Cultural Center)
CCLCommonwealth Countries’ League (UK)
CCLCredentialed Community Language (Australia)
CCLCentral Coalfields Limited (India)
CCLCompacted Clay Layer (civil engineering)
CCLCountry Club of Landfall (Wilmington, NC)
CCLCommodity Control List
CCLCarrier Common Line (telecom)
CCLCompliance Checklist
CCLCross Campus Library (Yale)
CCLCanadian Children's Literature
CCLCambridge Consultants Ltd
CCLCommunication Certification Laboratory
CCLConcealed Carry License (concealed weapon permit)
CCLCardiac Catheterization Laboratory
CCLCooperative and Collaborative Learning
CCLChild Care Learning (various locations)
CCLCustomer Care Line (various organizations)
CCLCrazy Cat Lady (Internet slang)
CCLCanine Cruciate Ligament
CCLCollaborative Coaching and Learning (professional development)
CCLCold Chain & Logistics (vaccines; various organizations)
CCLCentre de Conservation du Livre (French: Center for Book Conservation)
CCLCommunity College League
CCLComptoir Commercial du Languedoc (French trading post)
CCLCenter for Constitutional Litigation
CCLCommunications/Computer Link (US DoD)
CCLConnection Control Language
CCLComité de Coopération avec le Laos (French: Committee for Cooperation with Laos)
CCLCoupled Cavity Linac
CCLChurch Copyright Licence
CCLCommunauté de Communes de Lacq (French: Lacq Community of Communes; Lacq, France)
CCLCommon Carrier Line
CCLConstruction Completion List (EPA)
CCLCyber Control Language
CCLCumming Cockburn Limited (Canada)
CCLClosing Cost Loan
CCLCommand Control Language
CCLThe Canadian College of Linguistics (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
CCLCommunauté du Christ Libérateur (French: Liberator Community of Christ; Belgium)
CCLCreating Customers for Life (Independent Retail Grocers Association)
CCLCataract, Coppock-Like
CCLCentre Culture et Loisirs (French: Culture and Leisure Centre)
CCLCombat Configured Load
CCLCommunications Control Language
CCLCasing-Collar Log (Drilling Industry)
CCLConcentric Canister Launcher
CCLCalling Party Clear Signal
CCLContamination Control Line
CCLComptoir Commercial des Lubrifiants (French commercial lubricant manufacturer)
CCLCharpente Couverture Lucien (French carpentry company)
CCLCommunauté de Communes du Lunevillois (French: Lunévillois Community of Communes; Lunéville, France)
CCLClosed Circuit Loop
CCLConseil de Concertation Locative (French: Housing Collaborative Council)
CCLContinuous Communications Link
CCLCosta Container Lines SpA
CCLClosed Conference Loop
CCLCircuit Consultants Ltd (UK)
CCLConfiguration Control Logic (NASA)
CCLContracts Consultancy Ltd (UK)
CCLCenter for Creative Learning, Inc (St. Louis, Missouri)
CCLCommonality Candidate List (NASA)
CCLClu Clu Land (video game)
CCLCommunauté de Communes du Laragnais (French: Laragne Community of Communes; Laragne, France)
CCLCommunauté de Communes du Libournais (French: Libourne Community of Communes; Libourne, France)
CCLContinental Celtic (linguistics)
CCLCentre Culturel de Luminy (French: Luminy Cultural Center)
CCLComptoir Central des Lampes (French: Desk Lamp Central)
CCLClose Combat Light
CCLCandidate Code List
CCLCarrefour Culture et Loisirs (French: Crossroads Culture and Leisure)
CCLClan Co-Leader (gaming)
CCLClarence Cook Little Building (University of Michigan)
CCLCoating and Chemical Lab
CCLColor Calibrated Laser (color proofing, printing industry)
CCLCulture Change Letter (est. 1988)
CCLCapacitor Coupled Logic
CCLCascaded Control Loop
CCLCatholic Council of Lesotho
CCLConcassage Criblage Logistique (French: Crushing Screening Logistics; Belgium)
CCLControl Center Language
CCLCentral CO2 Laboratory
CCLCentury Consultants Ltd
CCLCable Coupling Link
CCLCentral Configuration Lab
CCLControl Code Locator
CCLCommand Center Laboratory
CCLCritical Components List
CCLCoosal's Concrete Limited (Trinidad and Tobago)
CCLCognition, Comportements, Langage (French: Cognition, Behavior, Language)
CCLConcurrent Common LISP
CCLCookbook Collector's Library (publishing house)
CCLCustom Certification Laboratory
CCLCitizens Climate Lobby
CCLChannel Carrying Last
CCLCommand and Control Laboratory (US DoD)
CCLCoursing Club Lorrain (French dog club)
CCLCognition Consulting Ltd (New Zealand)
CCLConfiguration Control Letter
CCLClipperz Crypto Library (Javascript computing)
CCLClub Canin de Landivisiau (French: Landivisiau Kennel Club; Landivisiau, France)
CCLCell Coverage Layer (telecommunications)
CCLClub Canin de Luçon (French: Luçon Kennel Club; Luçon, France)
CCLConcept Cars Ltd. (Mauritius)




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