Fire Island National Seashore

Fire Island National Seashore

Parks Directory of the United States / US National Parks / National SeashoresAddress:120 Laurel St
Patchogue, NY 11772

Size: 19,579 acres.
Established: Authorized on September 11, 1964. Wilderness designated on December 23, 1980.
Location:Fire Island stretches 32 miles along Long Island's south shore, from Moriches Inlet on the east to Democrat Point on the west. It forms a barrier between Great South Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.
Facilities:Campground (é), picnic area, rest rooms (é), groceries, restaurant/snacks, bathhouse, marina, visitor centers (é), museum/exhibit, self-guided tour/trail.
Activities:Camping, hiking, swimming, boating, canoeing, fishing, snorkeling, wildlife viewing, interpretive programs.
Special Features:This barrier island offers the opportunity for beach-oriented recreation and ecological observations. The Fire Island Lighthouse and the William Floyd Estate provide introductions to the cultural history of Long Island. Much of the land in the seashore has natural features unusual for its proximity to New York City, including the Otis Pike Fire Island Wilderness, the only federal wilderness in New York, and the Sunken Forest, a 300-year-old holly forest.

See other parks in New York.