Elizavetinskaia Gorodishche

Elizavetinskaia Gorodishche


the remains of an ancient (fourth century to the first century B.C.) fortified settlement (area more than 100,000 sq m) of a tribe of the Maeotae. It is located on the right bank of the Kuban’ River, 15 km west of Krasnodar, near the stanitsa (large cossack village) of Elizavetinskaia. The remains of ditches and earthen banks have been preserved. A burial without a mound and a group of barrows are located near the site. Excavations in 1934–36 (by V. A. Gorodtsov) and in 1952 (by V. P. Shilov) have unearthed potters’ kilns and the remains of dwellings and farm structures made of adobe. The discovery of grains of wheat and millet, iron sickles, and the bones of domestic animals and fish indicate that the population engaged in agriculture, stock raising, and fishing. Imported classical articles and coins from the city of Panticapaeum testify to the settlement’s close ties with the Bosporan state.


Gorodtsov, V. A. “Elizavetinskoe gorodishche i soprovozhdaiushchie ego mogil’niki po raskopkam 1935 g.” In the collection Sovetskaia arkheologiia, vol. 1. Moscow-Leningrad, 1936.
Shilov, V. P. “Novye dannye ob Elizavetinskom gorodishche po raskopkam 1952.” In the collection Sovetskaia arkheologiia, vol. 23. Moscow, 1955.
Anfimov, N. V. “Denezhnoe obrashchenie na Elizavetinskom gorodishche—emporii Bospora na Srednei Kubani.” Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1966, no. 2.