Briukhonenko, Sergei
Briukhonenko, Sergei Sergeevich
Born Apr. 30 (May 12), 1890, in Kozlov, now Michurinsk; died Apr. 20, 1960, in Moscow. Soviet physiologist, doctor of medicine.
Briukhonenko graduated from the medical department of Moscow University in 1914. From 1931 to 1935 he was chief of the laboratory of experimental therapy of the Central Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion; in 1935 he headed the Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physiology and Therapy, which he founded. Starting in 1951 he worked at the Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Surgical Apparatus and Instruments. He was chief of the laboratory of artificial blood circulation of the Institute of Experimental Biology and Medicine at the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958-60). In the period 1920-24 he developed a method of artificial blood circulation and constructed the first apparatus in the world for artificial blood circulation, the avtozhektor, which he used in experiments on dogs, when he revived their bodies after the onset of clinical death. In 1945-51 the revival of humans was accomplished according to Briukhonenko’s method. He received the Lenin Prize posthumously in 1965.
“Iskusstvennoe krovoobrashchenie tselogo organizma (sobaki) s vykliuchennym serdtsem.” In Izuchenie novykh metodov iskusstvennogo krovoobrashcheniia i perelivaniia krovi. Edited by O. A. Steppun. Moscow, 1928.“Apparat dlia iskusstvennogo krovoobrashcheniia (teplokrovnykh).” Ibid.
“Teoreticheskie problemy iskusstvennogo krovoobrashcheniia.” In Novye khirurgicheskie apparaty i instrumenty i opyt ikh primeneniia. Edited by M. G. Anan’ev. Moscow, 1957.
Lapchinskii, A. G. “Pamiati S. S. Briukhonenko.” Patologiia: Fiziologiia i eksperimental’naia terapiia, 1961, vol. 5, no. 3.L. A. STANKEVICH