formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation concentration

formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation concentration

a sedimentation method to separate parasitic elements from fecal debris through centrifugation and the use of ethyl acetate (substitute for ether) to trap debris in a layer separate from the parasites.

for·ma·lin-eth·yl ac·e·tate sed·i·men·ta·tion con·cen·tra·tion

(fōr'mă-lin-eth'il as'ĕ-tāt sed'i-mĕn-tā'shŭn kon-sĕn-trā'shŭn) A sedimentation method to separate parasitic elements from fecal debris through centrifugation and the use of ethyl acetate (a substitute for ether) to trap debris in a separate layer from the parasites.