Deam Lake State Recreation Area

Deam Lake State Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Indiana
Location:5 miles southeast of New Providence (also known as Borden) on State Road 60.
Facilities:275 campsites with electrical hookup, restrooms, and showers (é),picnic areas, shelters, 2 playgrounds, hiking and mountain biketrails, nature center (é), boat ramp, rowboat rental, swimming beach(é), bathhouse, restrooms, food concessions.
Activities:Camping, swimming, fishing, boating (electric motors only), hiking, mountain biking, hunting, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park was named in honor of Indiana's first state forester, Charles Deam, who is best known for his book Trees of Indiana. The area is forest property designed for recreational activities and is managed by the Indiana Division of Forestry. It is not part of Indiana's state parks system.
Address:1217 Deam Lake Rd
Borden, IN 47106

Size: 1,300 acres.

See other parks in Indiana.