ectatic emphysema

ec·tat·ic em·phy·se·ma

obstructive airway disease with areas of dilation of alveoli (acini). Seen primarily in association with inherited deficiency of α-1-antitrypsin. See: panlobular emphysema.

ec·tat·ic em·phy·se·ma

(ek-tat'ik em'fi-sē'mă) Obstructive airway disease with areas of dilatation of alveoli acini. Seen primarily in association with inherited deficiency of alpha-1-protease inhibitor.
See: panlobular emphysema

ec·tat·ic em·phy·se·ma

(ek-tat'ik em'fi-sē'mă) Obstructive airway disease with areas of dilation of alveoli (acini). Associated with inherited deficiency of α-1-antitrypsin.