释义 |
ectocardia[¦ek·tō′kärd·ē·ə] (medicine) An abnormal position of the heart; it may be outside the thoracic cavity or misplaced within the thorax. ectocardia
ectocardia [ek″to-kahr´de-ah] congenital displacement of the heart; exocardia.ec·to·car·di·a (ek'tō-kar'dē-ă), Congenital displacement of the heart. Synonym(s): exocardia [ecto- + G. kardia, heart] ec·to·car·di·a (ek'tō-kahr'dē-ă) Congenital displacement of the heart. Synonym(s): exocardia. [ecto- + G. kardia, heart]ectocardia A developmental malpositioning of the heart, especially when exteriorized. |