

单词 esb



abbreviation for (Psychology) electrical stimulation of the brain



(Enterprise Services Bus) A message broker that supports Web services. See message broker, messaging middleware and Web services.


ESBEasthampton Savings Bank (Massachusetts)
ESBEnterprise Service Bus
ESBEmpire State Building (New York, NY)
ESBElectricity Supply Board (Ireland)
ESBEmpire Strikes Back
ESBExtra Special Bitter
ESBThe Empire Strikes Back
ESBEmerging Small Business
ESBEast Side Boyz (band)
ESBElectrical Stimulation of the Brain
ESBEngineer Special Brigade (various locations)
ESBÉcole de Surf de Bretagne (French: Surf School in Bretagne; Brittany, France)
ESBÉcole Supérieure de Banque (Algerian school)
ESBError Status Block
ESBExternal Service Broker
ESBEuropean School of Business (Reutlingen, Germany)
ESBEngineering Sciences Building (various schools)
ESBÉquivalent-Subvention Brut (French: Equivalent Grant Gross)
ESBEngineer Support Battalion
ESBEuropean Society of Biomechanics
ESBE-Street Band (Bruce Springsteen's band)
ESBEdwards School of Business (Canada)
ESBÉcole Supérieure du Bois (French wood processing school)
ESBEntente Sportive Blanquefortaise (French sports club)
ESBEnglish Speaking Board (UK)
ESBErste & Steiermärkische Bank (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
ESBErdgas Südbayern GmbH (natural gas utility; Munich, Germany)
ESBEspirito Santo Bank (various locations)
ESBEntente Sportive Bouliste (French sports club)
ESBEncefalopatía Spongiforme Bovina (Spanish: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy)
ESBExpeditionary Signal Battalion (US DoD)
ESBEngrossed Senate Bill
ESBExtra Strong Bitter (beer)
ESBEconomic Services Bureau (Hong Kong)
ESBEnhanced Separate Brigade
ESBEngineering Society of Baltimore
ESBEnhanced Separate Brigade (UA Army)
ESBAnkara, Turkey - Esenboga (Airport Code)
ESBEmergency Service Bureau
ESBEntente Sportive Bonchamp (French sports club)
ESBExternal Security Bulletin (Australian Computer Emergency Response Team)
ESBEmbedded System Block
ESBEastern Savings Bank
ESBEnglish Sports Betting (UK)
ESBEmergency Services Branch
ESBEngineering Society of Buffalo
ESBEnergy Star Buildings
ESBEuropean Schools Brussels (Brussels, Belgium swim team)
ESBEnvironmental Services Branch (US EPA)
ESBEffective Sample Base
ESBEmbedded Single Board
ESBEncéphalopathie Spongioforme Bovine
ESBExecutive Steering Board
ESBEnvironmental Stewardship Branch
ESBEsterase B
ESBEtiology and Surveillance Branch (ASPH)
ESBElectrical Substitution Bolometer
ESBEn Route Support Base
ESBElastic Storage Buffer
ESBExhaust Stack Blocker (non-lethal weapon)
ESBEchostrong Band (ultrasound)
ESBEmbotelladora San Bernardino (Guatemala)
ESBEast San Bruno
ESBEmergency Stow Bypass
ESBEmergency Switch Board (electrical; marine)
ESBÉlectricité Sylvain Bezos (French electric company)




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