Faure, Félix

Faure, Félix

(fālēks` fōr), 1841–99, president of the French republic (1895–99). A leather merchant, he served in the Franco-Prussian War and became an undersecretary for commerce and colonies in the cabinet of Léon Gambetta (1881–82). He later (1882–85, 1888) occupied the post again and was vice president of the chamber of deputies and naval minister before becoming president. The Dreyfus AffairDreyfus Affair
, the controversy that occurred with the treason conviction (1894) of Capt. Alfred Dreyfus (1859–1935), a French artillery officer and graduate of the French military academy.
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 was a notable development in his administration, and Faure marred his reputation by opposing a new trial. The Franco-Russian alliance was concluded, and the Fashoda IncidentFashoda Incident
, 1898, diplomatic dispute between France and Great Britain. Toward the end of the 19th cent., while Britain was seeking to establish a continuous strip of territory from Cape Town to Cairo, France desired to establish an overland route from the Red Sea to the
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 occurred while he held office. Émile Loubet succeeded him as president.