Dean fluorosis index

Dean fluor·o·sis in·dex

(dēn), an index that measures the degree of mottled enamel (fluorosis) in teeth; used most often in epidemiologic field studies.

Dean fluor·o·sis in·dex

(dēn flūr-ō'sis in'deks) A measure of the degree of mottled enamel (fluorosis) in teeth; used most often in epidemiologic field studies.


Henry Trendley, U.S. dentist and epidemiologist, 1893-1962. Dean fluorosis index - an index that measures the degree of mottled enamel (fluorosis) in teeth.Dean periosteal elevator

Dean fluor·o·sis in·dex

(dēn flūr-ō'sis in'deks) Measurement of degree of mottled enamel (fluorosis) in teeth; used most often in epidemiologic field studies.